Political Islam in International Relations PSIR 432
Course Description This course surveys Islam as a political force in the context of international relations and political experiences within the Islamic world. It begins with the development of modern Salafism and the Islamic Reformation to the emergence of Islamism, Islamist parties, jihadism and the ‘War on Terror.’ The course investigates political Islamic actors such as the Muslim Brotherhood, the ulema, al Qaeda, ISIS, Liberal Islamists such as al-Nour and their relationship with the state, the umma and the international.
Method of Assesment Essay 30% Midterm Exam: 25% Final Exam: 30% Quizzes and Participation 15%
Essay – 1000 words on a topic of your choice Mid-Term and Final Exams – Multiple choice – 1 Essay Question – Bonus Questions. Quiz – Multiple Choice
MAKE-UP EXAM AND WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS POLICY In all cases, you must submit a written request via the Departmental Secretary within three working days giving reasons together with the necessary supporting evidence. Make up Exams consist of essay only questions. There are no make-up quizzes
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Mohamed: Merchant, Prophet, Political Leader Revelation: From Merchant to Prophet Hijra 622 Birth of the Umma, Community of Believers Tribal loyalties replaced with a broader community identity The first Islamic State, Constitution of Medina
The Rashidun Rightly Guided Caliphs 750 Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Kittab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib The Wars of Apostasy (Rida Wars) – Of the six major centres of the revolt four of the leaders of the movement offered competing claims to being prophets themselves.
Islamic Expansion
The Abbasids By 775 Abbasid rule firmly established and the empire unified, with the exception of Umayyad controlled Spain, Cordoba Caliphate Capital moved to Baghdad Consolidates the relationship between, umma, Caliph and Ulema Creation of a formalised Sharia Closing the ‘Gates of Ijtihad’ Greatest expansion of Islamic territory
Islamic Reformation 18 th C Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab\ Wahabism Pact with Wahhab and bin Saud helped to establish the Saudi state The descendants of Wahab have historically led the ulema in Saudi Arabia Movement sought to purify Islam by returning Muslims to the original principles of Islam Primary doctrine of Islam is the uniqueness and unity of God (Tawhid).
Al-Afghani, Salafism and the Encounter with Europe Salafism What accounts for the decline of Islamic civilisation? Opening the ‘Gates of ijtihad’ The Islamic Reformation Liberal and radical reformers Muhammed Abduh, Rashid Rida
Sykes-Picot Agreement The Great Betrayal Secret agreement between United Kingdom and France Divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire Turning point in Western–Arab relations. Negated the promises made to Arabs for a national homeland in Greater Syria
WWI, The End of the Caliphate Treaty of Sèvres 1920 Caliphate abolished March 3, Abdulmecid II was the last caliph of Islam No framework for united and identity Medina (622)Damascus (662) Baghdad (751), Cairo (1262) Istanbul (1517) Terminated(1924) Reborn 2014?
The Second Wave of Reformation Political Islam in the 20 th C Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al Banna Sayid Qutb, Milestones Pan Arab Ambitions Abdullan Azzam, The Soviet War Rise and Fall of Political Islam Repression of the Islamists
The 3 rd Reformative Movement Salafi-Jihadism Al-Qaeda, 9/11, The War on Terror The Global Jihad The Constraints of International Order
The Arab Spring, Liberal Islamism, Salafis and the Secular State The 4 th Reformative Movement DAESH Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, “This blessed advance will not stop until we hit the last nail in the coffin of the Sykes–Picot conspiracy”