Background: Rise of childhood Type 1 diabetes over past 30 years Currently have 24 students with Type 1 (11 are preschool-6 grade) Currently employ 1 LVN who works 25 hrs/week at Birch Lane to manage 6 diabetics Another LVN works 25 hrs/week providing some diabetic care and also supporting school offices to handle routine first aid care TYPE 1 DIABETIC CARE
95% Vaccine rate recommended for HERD immunity 93% MMR immunity with 1 dose; 97% immunity with 2 doses Fully Vaccinated Kinder Rates K-6 MMR Vaccine Rate K-6 MMR Vaccine Rate with 1 Dose Korematsu97 98 Willett97 98 Birch Lane94 96 Pioneer North Davis Patwin Montgomery Chavez Fairfield VACCINATIONS
Background: 168 students (2%) of school population with severe life-threatening allergies Prevention: o All have an Allergy Action Plan completed by physician with consultation from nurse (updated at start of school year) o Epi-pens on site and follows for campus events o Practice to limit or ban food in elementary classes with allergies o 100% office staff, campus supervisors and teachers taking student on field trip are epi-pen trained Next Steps: Food Allergy Subcommittee to review BP/AR and to provide direction for new policies and procedures FOOD ALLERGIES
FTE Ratio of 1:2600 3.3 Nurses (4 staff) .625 LVN at BLE (1 staff) .75 Health Clerk (1 staff) FTE Ratio of 1: 2150 4.0 Nurses (5 staff) 1.25 LVNs (2 staff) .75 Health Clerk (1 staff) Proposal Ratio of 1:1900 4.5 Nurses (5 staff) o 2 part-time RNs to fulltime o Timely follow-up on health referrals, special ed assessments, health plans, staff training 1.5 LVNs (3 staff) o BL, Roving, Children’s Center .75 Health Clerk (1 staff) STAFFING