1 Early Intervention Program Referral and Services
What is Early Intervention? Comprehensive services and supports to: Enhance a child’s development, and Help parents understand how to help their children grow and develop. Tailored to meet child’s and family individual needs. Available to all eligible children ages birth to three with developmental delays or disabilities and their families regardless of income.
Who gets Early Intervention in Washington State? Child is Birth to Three Years and: 1. Has a 25% delay or 1.5 standard deviations in one or more area. 2. Some diagnoses. 3. Evaluation team uses “Informed Clinical Opinion”
Why Early Intervention? Children close the gap on delays. Whole family gets support and skills to help child. Parents learn how to advocate for their children in education settings. Smoother transitions IF child does qualify for school district services at 3.
Diagnosis which may qualify a child…. 1. Any diagnosis known to have a high probability of developmental delay. 2. Diagnosis documented in writing by qualified medical personnel. 3. Examples include but not limited to: Chromosomal abnormalities Genetic or congenital disorders Disorders reflecting disturbance of the development of the nervous system Congenital infections Severe attachment disorders Disorders secondary to exposure to toxic substances, including FAS Deafness/hearing loss that adversely affects the child’s development Vision impairments/ blindness
WHAT happens after a referral? Within 45 days…. The family will be contacted by a Family Resource Coordinator (FRC) and a developmental evaluation will be scheduled. The Child will receive a multi-disciplinary evaluation in all areas of development. If found eligible and the family agrees to services, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is developed.
An Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is developed by the WHOLE Team! Parents/Caregivers Family Resources Coordinator Service Provider(s)
WHAT are the services? EVERYONE gets: Family Resources Coordinator Assessments—Both Initially and Ongoing MOST FREQUENT Services: Developmental Services— Individual Education Speech Therapy Motor Therapy—OT/PT Feeding Therapy and/or Nutrition Services
WHAT are the services? OTHER Services are also available: Audiology Assistive technology devices & services Family training, counseling, and home visits Health services, Nursing services, Medical services for evaluating or diagnosing (most EI Providers do NOT diagnose children) Psychological services Social work services Vision services
WHERE do services happen? At Home At Child Care In Community Programs With Typically Developing Peers….programs such as Early Head Start Families and children in Washington state receive early intervention in “Natural Environments”
Who pays for Early Intervention? State, federal and school district funds Parent Cost Participation (some services) Medicaid Private Insurance—family may have co-insurance, co-pays, or deductibles If family does not have insurance or declines to provide access to insurance they may be placed on sliding scale for fees Families below 200% Federal Poverty Level pay no fees
Children 3 and older Refer to Child Find Google School District Name + Child Find District Responsibilities: Screen or Evaluate Develop IEP or 504 Plan Provide Services 3-5 Services Kindergarten and older
For more information contact: Carol Hall, Director Early Intervention, ESD 112; or (360) Clark, Pacific, Skamania and Klickitat Counties Kim Smith, Executive Director South Sound Parent to Parent Part C Program Director, or (360) x Thurston, S. Mason and Grays Harbor Counties Washington State Early Support for Infants & Toddlers (ESIT); Or, Call WithinReach –