Phase I: Goals, Modality, Length Phase II: Goals, Objectives Phase III: Implementation Phase IV: Evaluation Instruments
Understanding of cultural diversity Develop involvement in community-oriented activities ADDIE Model ~ Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation Mager & Gooler approaches Length: New initial hire Retraining: 6 mos, then annually Retraining: quarterly (community activities)
Understanding of cultural diversity Objective 1: Learn basic definitions & concepts Culture, race, ethnicity, stereotype, prejudice, values, discrimination Objective 2: Explore Internet for demographics Objective 3: Investigate core values Objective 4: Role playing
Develop involvement in community-oriented activities Objective 1: Recruit, nominate, select, diversity committee Objective 2: Conduct informational forums Objective 3: Identify opportunities to gain insight
Start Date: February 2015 Facilitators: USPS managers & supervisors Learners: USPS City & Rural Carriers Admin Support: USPS Canton Station Formative Assessments: Quiz, Internet searches, role playing
Details: COCDT packets & Instructions delivered 30 days prior 1 hour sessions per week (4 weeks to complete diversity source) Design Team Field representative visit Plan luncheon to promote COCDT Score of 90% or better required Internet research required Completion Certificate awarded
Diversity is not to be feared but reverenced for its contributions and benefits that comes from its traditions, values, customs, and sovereignty. The COCDT is a tool for exemplifying and bring awareness of the cultural richness that resides in the communities the United States Postal Service serves. *ClipArt courtesy of MSOffice 2007.
Brown, a., & Green, T. D. (2011). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles With Process and Practice (2 nd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Publishing. Chevalier, R. D. (2011). When did ADDIE become addie? Performance Improvement, 50(6), doi: /pfi.2021 Saphier, J. (2011). Outcomes: Coaching, Teaching Standards, and Feedback Mark the Teacher’s Road to Mastery. Journal Of Staff Development, 32 (4), Shibley, I., Amaral, K. E., Shank, J. D., & Shibley, L. R. (2011). Designing a Blended Course: Using ADDIE to Guide Instructional Design. Journal of College Science Teaching, 40(6),