The Relationship between Music and Society
What is heavy metal? A subgenre of rock music Developed early 1960s and 1970s Created further subgenres
Thrash Metal Death Metal Nu Metal Glam Metal Progressive Metal Black Metal Groove Metal Power Metal Speed Metal Folk Metal Rap Metal Symphonic Metal Doom Metal Grindcore Metalcore Mathcore Technical Metal Avant-garde Metal Funk Metal Neo-classical Metal Pirate Metal
Heavy Metal Fans Loyal fan base Also called “metalheads”
Heavy Metal Fans (cont.) Formed a community separate from mainstream society Own standards for authenticity
Metal and Fashion Style influenced by historical and contemporary events, as well as other subcultures Biker Leather Common fashion includes denim jeans/jackets, leather clothing, band shirts, long hair
Metal and Fashion (cont.) Rob Halford central in popularising the leather image
Metal and Fashion (cont.) Historic and world events also have had strong influence Vietnam War Vikings
Metal and Fashion (cont.)
Lyrical Themes Feature a wide range of subjects Drugs Politics Sex War Occult Religion Philosophy Fantasy Romantic tragedy
Lyrical Themes Feature a wide range of subjects Drugs Sex Occult
Lyrical Themes (cont.) Important part of metal culture Lyrics influenced by society Sometimes dark lyrical subjects have become point of criticism for metal E.g. Judas Priest case
Lyrical Themes (cont.) Have had influence on fans both negative and positive E.g. Scandinavian black metal Immortal
Lyrical Themes (cont.) Have had influence on fans both negative and positive E.g. Rage Against the Machine
Conclusion Contemporary society has influenced nearly all aspects of heavy metal in some way Heavy metal has had both a positive and negative relationship with society
References Khan-Harris, Keith (2007). Extreme Metal: Music and Culture on the Edge. Berg Publishers. Moore, Timothy E. (1996). “Scientific Consensus and Expert Testimony: Lessons from the Judas Priest Trial”, The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Available at Accessed 27/11/09. Rahman, Nader (2006). “Hair Today Gone Tomorrow”, Star Weekend Magazine. Available at Accessed 29/11/09. Weinstein, Deena (2000). Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture. (Revised Edition). Cambridge, Da Capo Press. All images Google Image Search.