Pearl Harbor Japan 1940 Had controlled China since the mid 30’s Conquered Indochina (French Possession) Threatened the Philippines (US colony) Signed Tripartite treaty with Germany and Italy US Response Embargo raw materials (Steel and Oil) Froze Japanese assets in American Banks Arming Merchant ships in the Pacific and prepare to mobilize for war
Pearl Harbor After several failed attempts for the US and Japanese to negotiate a settlement, the Japanese Naval fleet prepared to strike US colonies in the Pacific December 7 th 1941 Instead of going for strategic targets they tried for the knockout punch at Pearl Harbor Wave after wave of Japanese Zeros reeked havoc on the US Pacific Fleet anchored in the Harbor In 3 hours 170 planes 3 battleships and 2400 lives were lost.
Pearl Harbor Aftermath On December 8 th Congress quickly declared war on Japan Hitler, and Mussolini followed suit by declaring war on US (Despite German officers begging him not to). This allowed the US to focus on Hitler first When America entered the war the situation looked grim. U-boats controlled the Atlantic and Japan had a tight grip on the Pacific, but now the greatest economic and industrial power is in the war.