World War II War Starts in Europe
Hitler Invades Austria War started in 1938 Hitler decided to annex Austria and Czechoslovia He said, “The ‘German’ question can be solved only by means of force.” On March 12, 1938, German troops marched into Austria unopposed U.S. and world did nothing
Czechoslovakia Hitler seemed ready to invade England and France promised to protect that country
German military offensive begins March 15, 1939 German troops marched into Czechoslovakia and took over country By nightfall, Hitler said, “Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist”
Appeasement England and France did nothing Czechoslovakia given to Hitler without shot being fired This policy was called “appeasement” – Ideas was that by allowing Germany to do what it wanted then no war would occur
Russia, under Stalin, signed a non-aggression pact with Germany – would not attack each other On Sept. 1, 1939 the Lufwaffe (German air force) bombed Poland When Germany attacked Poland, Russia also invaded from the east Poland conquered by Germany and Russia By end of month Poland no longer existed – was part of Germany and Russia
Blitzrieg – This attack on Poland called “Blitzrieg” – Blitzrieg means “lightning war” – Used new military technology – faster tanks and airplanes
Germany Attacks France Troops position on Maginot Line – a system of fortifications along France’s eastern border Thought to be invulnerable Germany attacked in 1940
Germany Conquers France Germany conquered France Germany occupy north part of country and puppet government in France 400,000 soldiers fled to England across the channel in fishing boats, barges, and pleasure craft at Dunkirk
Battle of Britain In 1940, Hitler prepared for invasion of Britain Navy power and air war – bombing runs every night for two months
England Fights Back Royal Air Force (RAF) fought back Used new invention of radar On one day shot down 185 German planes Hitler called off planned invasion, though bombing continued
December 7, 1941 This causes the US to enter WWII
War! Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 U.S. declared war on Japan on Dec. 8, days later, U.S. declared war on Germany
U.S.A. rose to the occasion! 5 million volunteered for service Selective service (the draft) enlisted 10 million more men for service Woman also started to serve for first time
LIBERATION OF DEATH CAMPS While the British and Americans moved westward into Germany, the Soviets moved eastward into German-controlled Poland The Soviets discovered many death camps that the Germans had set up within Poland The Americans also liberated Nazi death camps within Germany