Standard 9.ICR.1 Objective: 9.ICR1.3 Illustrate strategies for resolving interpersonal conflict without harming self or others
Read & Reflect #7 Scholar: What is the definition of violence? Explain why people may get violent. Discuss whether violence is a health issue? Explain why you think it is or isn’t. Write and argumentative statement discussing whether or not violence an issue in the United States? Globally? In your own opinion is there a way to end violence?
Quotation Group discussion Get into small groups (2-3 people) Write your interpretation of the quote on the poster paper given. You will read these aloud in class.
“ Violence kills so many Americans and sends so many others into the healthcare system that we must consider it a public health problem. Reducing the incidence of violence is a major priority for our nation….
We must pay attention to the forces that fuel violence so that we can keep it from happening, rather than simply taking care of the consequences of violent acts.” Peter Edelman and David Satcher “Violence Prevention As a Public Health Priority”
Quotation Class discussion Why is violence considered a public health problem? Can violence be prevented?
Identify the Conflict Students will read each read each scenario and determine who and what the conflict involves.
Conflict Resolution Violence is a serious problem in our society for people of all ages. What are some different violence problems do we have in our society? Child abuse, spouse abuse, rape, suicide, homicide, assault, weapons carried to school, drug and gang “wars” and prison overcrowding.
Conflict resolution How can these violent actions be prevented? Through education All of us have learned ways, for better or worse to deal with conflict. What ways did you learn to deal with Conflict?
Conflict Resolution Conflict, if not handled well, can attribute to a variety of unhealthy practices including drug use, unwise sexual behaviors, unsafe driving, and Violent behavior. Conflict can be a useful indicator that a problem needs to be fixed. It is not all bad, but conflict produces nothing good for the student who is not skillful at resolving conflicts.
Styles of Resolving Conflict Competing (pursuing own goals; seeing conflict as a contest where one person wins and one loses) Avoiding (not addressing the conflict; neglecting own needs and needs of others; no one wins) Accommodating (giving in to the wishes of the other person; lose-win)
Styles of Resolving Conflict (continued) Compromising (satisfying some of the needs of each) Cooperating (satisfying as many needs of each other as they can) Collaborating (a win-win way of dealing with conflicts; fully satisfying own concerns as well as concerns of others)
Group Skits Create a skit using the conflict from the scenarios and one of the conflict resolution skills. The skit must have a realistic, positive and non-violent resolution. For the scenario: you must decide who “won”, who “lost”, how each person felt, and the outcome of the conflict. Each group will perform their skits to the class.
Conflict Resolution It is important for all of us to be aware of our usual style of resolving conflict. You can always make an effort to change your style if you are not satisfied with the results. There is not “one” way to handle every conflict. Conflicts that involve violence are not beneficial for anyone involved.
How I resolve Conflicts What did you learn about yourself? What are the potential positive and negative consequences of the way you handle conflict? How can this exercise(s) improve a current relationship?
Conflicts What types of conflicts do some of you face on an every day basis? Girlfriend/boyfriend, rumors, parents, syblings, teachers…
Alternate Endings Read the story about Carlos and John and each of the endings. Are the endings realistic? Why? Which ending would you prefer? Why?