1 The History and Scope of Psychology Module 1
2 Psychology Today Psychology - the scientific study of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (inner thoughts and feelings).
3 Contemporary Psychology Psychology’s Three Main Level of Analysis Social-cultural Influences presence of others cultural, societal, and family expectations peer and other group influences compelling models (such as media) Behavior or mental process Psychological Influences learned behaviors emotional responses cognitive processing (thinking, beliefs, expectations) and perceptual interpretations Biological influences Genetics Biological chemicals - neurotransmitters - hormones
4 Psychology’s Current Perspectives PerspectiveFocusSample Questions NeuroscienceHow the body and brain enables emotions. How are messages transmitted in the body? How is blood chemistry linked with moods and motives? EvolutionaryHow the natural selection of traits the promotes the perpetuation of one’s genes. How does evolution influence behavior tendencies? Behavior geneticsHow much our genes and our environments influence our individual differences. To what extent are psychological traits such as intelligence, personality, sexual orientation, and vulnerability to depression attributable to our genes? To our environment?
5 Psychology’s Current Perspectives PerspectiveFocusSample Questions PsychodynamicHow behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts. How can someone’s personality traits and disorders be explained in terms of sexual and aggressive drives or as disguised effects of unfulfilled wishes and childhood traumas? BehavioralHow we learn observable responses. How do we learn to fear particular objects or situations? What is the most effective way to alter our behavior, say lose weight or quit smoking?
6 Psychology’s Current Perspectives PerspectiveFocusSample Questions CognitiveHow we encode, process, store and retrieve information. How do we use information in remembering? Reasoning? Problem solving? Social-culturalHow behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures. How are we --- as Africans, Asians, Australian or North American – alike as members of human family? As products of different environmental contexts, how do we differ?
7 Psychology’s Subfields PsychologistWhat s/he does Biological Explores the links between brain and mind. Developmental Studies changing abilities from womb to tomb. Cognitive Studies how we perceive, think, and solve problems. Personality Investigates our persistent traits. Social explore how we view and affect one another. Research
8 Psychology’s Subfields: Research Data: APA 1997
9 Psychology’s Subfields PsychologistWhat s/he does Industrial/ Organizational Studies and advise on behavior in the workplace. Counseling Helps people cope with academic, vocational, and marital challenges. Clinical Study, assess, and treat people with psychological disorders School Applies psychological principles to a school setting including counseling, IQ testing, learning disabilities, collaboration with teachers Applied
10 Psychology’s Subfields: Applied Data: APA 1997
11 A clinical psychologist (Ph.D.) studies, assesses, and treats troubled people with psychotherapy. Psychiatrists - medical professionals (M.D.) who use treatments such as drugs and psychotherapy Clinical Psychology vs. Psychiatry
12 Survey: what you are about to read, including chapter outlines and section heads Question: Ask questions. Make notes. Read: Make sure you read outlines, sections and chapters in entirety. Review: Marginal definitions. Study learning outcomes. Reflect: On what you have learnt. Test yourself with quizzes. Close-up Your Study of Psychology Survey, Question, Read, Review and Reflect (SQ3R)
13 Distribute your time In class, listen actively Overlearn Highlight in textbook Make index cards for important terms Close-up Additional Study Hints