Possessive Adjectives (Los adjetivos posesivos)
Possessive Adjectives Tell what belongs to someone –Mi libro Show relationship –Nuestra madre
Possessive Adjectives placed before nouns they describe English possessive adjectives: –my, your, his, her, its, our, their
mi tu su (my) (your, fam.) (your, form.) (his) (her) nuestro(a) vuestro(a) su (our) (your--fam., pl) (your--form., pl) (their) Singular Possessive Adjectives Remember: possessive adjectives MUST agree in number and gender with the nouns they describe. (its)
libro. cuaderno. lápiz. Possessive Adjectives sombrero. reloj. My book. Mi Tu Your notebook. (fam.) Your pencil. (form.) Su His hat. Her watch. Su How would we say... ? tú = you tu = your
carro. maestro. caballo. perro. casa. Our car. Nuestro Vuestro Your teacher. (fam., pl.) Your horse. (form., pl.) Su Their dog. Their house. Su
Plural Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives Tell what belongs to someone –Mis libros Show relationship –Nuestros padres
Possessive Adjectives placed before nouns they describe English possessive pronouns: –my, your, his, her, its, our, their
mis tus sus (my) (your, fam.) (your, form.) (his) (her) nuestros(as) vuestros(as) sus (our) (your, fam., pl.) (your, form., pl.) (their) Plural Possessive Adjectives Remember: possessive adjectives MUST agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. (its)
libros. cuadernos. lápices. Possessive Adjectives sombreros. relojes. My books. Mis Tus Your notebooks. (fam.) Your pencils. (form.) Sus His hats. Her watches. Sus
carros. papeles. caballos. Possessive Adjectives perros. casas. Our cars. Nuestros Vuestros Your papers. (fam.) Your horses. (form. pl.) Sus Their dogs. Their houses. Sus