Procedures and Policies to Get Top Quality Compost from Manure Platforms
Separate Non- Biodegradable Waste Separate non-biodegradable wastes as they arrive at the platforms –Plastic –Metal –Glass –Medical wastes (needles, rubber gloves) –Large chunks of wood, tree limbs, etc.
Maintain a Daily Log Maintain a daily log of activities –Number of loads received Which windrow does it go into –Windrow numbers that are turned/mixed –Windrow numbers that receive water –Temperature of each windrow –Number of loads/bags removed Income from compost sold –Current condition of platform how full is it How full is the liquid tank
Daily Records It’s especially important to keep daily records of operational items such as windrow temperatures so that trends can be seen. –Tells you when pile is cooling off –Tells you when to mix and aerate Temperature peaks, then declines –Tells you when the compost is done Temperature doesn’t rise after mixing
Mix When Temperature Declines
Loading/unloading Area Unloading area Liquid holding tank
Policy Decisions Filling the Storage Platform Will you pay for the manure/waste delivered to the platform? Will you charge people to deliver their manure to the platform? –Will you charge more if the manure/waste is “dirty”…requires more separation –Will you require people to separate it themselves at the platform
Compost or Not? You can just store the waste and land apply it without composting –Less management required Less record keeping No moisture addition No mixing –More volume to remove –Less uniform material
Will you give compost away? – back to the people who bring waste – give it to other nearby residents Will you sell compost? Will you bag the compost and try to develop markets to add value? What will you do if nobody wants it? Can you use it on city land? Policy Decisions… Emptying the Storage Platform
Record Keeping What type of record keeping will you require? –More important if selling compost or paying for waste to be delivered Will records be kept at the platform or in town? Will money be exchanged at the platform?
Volume Reductions Recognize that less compost will leave the platform than arrives because of volume reductions while composting –Typically expect 50% reduction in volume through composting
Policies Policies should be set and publicized so that citizens know what they are Citizen input into policy decisions will make them more accepting of the policies Good policies will ensure the success of the project, and improvement in the water quality in the Danube and Black Sea