This is a display we made to show the life cycle of an earthworm.
We have learnt a lot about worms and how useful they can be. They help plants to grow by putting air into the soil They break down plant matter They make compost They are great recyclers - just like Room 1!! If you chop off their tail it can grow a new one! They don’t have any eyes. They have more than one heart
Worms are slippery. They have no legs. They are good because they mix the soil. Cameron A worm is slimy and thin. They can grow a new head or tail if you chop them off. Brodie Worms are good ‘cause they dig holes. Worms are slippery. Troydon A worm is slimy and wiggly. They are long and they are skinny. They have 5 hearts to pump the blood around its body. Alyssa Worms are slippery and slimy. They slip over each other to lay an egg. Amelia
I hate worms because they are slimy. Worms don’t have teeth. They eat food scraps and they eat dirt. Roydon Worms have no legs and no eyes. Worms don’t have tongues. They suck food in like a vacuum cleaner. Declan Worms are skinny. Worms don’t have legs. They wriggle. Rory A worm is slippery. They have no ears they feel the vibrations. Jack Worms are skinny. If you chop a worm in half it won’t grow back again. I don’t like them because they are wriggly. Reuben
I wouldn’t like a worm because they’re slippery. Worms are skinny too. Hunter A worm is slimy and slippery. They are good because they mix up the soil. Dylan A worm has no feet. They can mix up the soil. James Worms have no legs and they don’t like the sun. Danny I hate worms. They are slimy. Liam
We had great fun looking at the movies on this site. You can see a movie of the five pairs of hearts beatingfive pairs of hearts beating and a hatchling coming out of the egg sac!! There are also lots of interesting facts and some fun activities to do.hatchling coming out of the egg sac Explore the exciting Yucky Worm World!!Yucky Worm World Follow the Adventures of Squirmin' Herman the WormAdventures of Squirmin' Herman the Worm Find out what the first graders at Museum Magnet School have been up to.first graders at Museum Magnet School