Choosing a suitable Individual Investigation title is a very important step and it is worth taking time to consider it carefully.
The title can be based on: a topic arising from one of your subject options the Welsh Baccalaureate Core, personal interest. a Principal Learning qualification It must be about Wales and at least one other country or region.
From your personal tutor or supervisor Someone who can help you with the topic you have chosen e.g. if your topic was about volcanoes you could get advice from a geography teacher.
Why not find out what people think about this issue, by carrying out a survey or questionnaire? How can I get some information about my topic? If you do this you may need help with the best way to present the results
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT Choose a title which focuses on a topic that you are interested in. Use a simple and straightforward title. Choose a title and topic you already know something about. It is useful to have some knowledge about the topic before you begin.
Choose a topic and title you know you will be able to find enough information about. Be confident you will be able to find good sources of information. Before you start check that your topic and title fit the Welsh Baccalaureate level you are working at – not too easy or difficult. THINGS TO THINK ABOUT
Is my title based on a topic am I interested in e.g. one of my subjects or a hobby? Have I checked to make sure that I will be able to find enough information about my topic? Have I discussed my Individual Investigation topic and title with my teacher or supervisor?