Alex Butler Becky Turner Clair Fage Janell Jackson
A pendulum swings and hits the marble The marble coasts on a curved path until it collides with a domino. The domino then falls into the cup on a pulley system. As the green cup is forced down, the purple cup tilts up, knocking the weight out in a linear path to turn on our push lamp.
Torque: observed at the start of the device. Conservation of Energy: applied throughout the travel on the pathway. Center of Mass: can be calculated in our purple cup as it balances the weight. Conservation of Linear Momentum: shown when the marble hits the domino and also when the weight hits the touch lamp.
Our sketched designs did not attack approaches accurately nor realistically. The materials we had on hand were not very sturdy. We had to do a lot of adjusting and rearranging to have our weight hit on center perfectly. All were unfamiliar with using power tools. The pulley system would not allow the weight and cups to rotate properly.
Our team project gave us all a better insight on the material we learned this semester in EF 151. By doing the hands on application, it provided us with a better foundation of how to understand and apply these fundamentals. All can agree that this project was entertaining