You are going to create your very own color wheel using Radial Balance! Radial Balance Radial Balance : A balance arrangement that results from the repetitive placement of elements radiating out from a central point.
STEP ONE: Practice using the compass and the protractor (using the handouts) and draw 4 different radial designs with repeating elements. tint Remember you will need to include the hue, the tint of the hue, and the shade of the hue! There are 12 hues to include in your radial design. (hint: divide your circle into fourths and each ¼ should be divided into thirds equaling 12 spaces).
STOP! Today’s Assignment: Use your compass and protractor handouts along with the tools and begin drawing your 4 designs. You must have 4designs and you may do more if you would like. Make sure you understand how to divide the circle into 12 equal sections. Get creative and come up with something amazing! Your circles can be as small as 3” in diameter or as large as 6” in diameter!
STEP TWO: Decide on the best design of the 5 and begin drawing it on the large poster board sheet for your final drawing. You can complete one section (make sure it is precisely measured out), then use tracing paper to trace the other 3 sections. Your design can flip, alternate or slide as it repeats around your color wheel, section by section. You may want to label areas before you paint.
STEP : STEP THREE: Then PAINT, PAINT, PAINT! Paint the practice color wheel FIRST! After you paint your entire color wheel, you need to go over and refine/detail messy areas, THEN paint your background BLACK all the way to the edges! You will need 2 COATS! Place your work in the black drying rack at the end of each class!
PAINTING PAINTING EXPECTATIONS No horse playing with paint and absolutely NO painting on your skin or clothing as well as other people! This behavior will result in the removal of your painting privilege and a ZERO for this project. Make sure you clean your work area, paint brush, water container and palette each day and put them back where they belong. Each table will have 2 egg cartons that your table group will share. It is your responsibility to keep the paint in the carton clean— MIX ON THE PALETTE!! We have 4 sinks in this room—MAKE USE OF THEM ALL! Do not leave any materials or supplies in the sink and throw away your paper towels!