Greek Mythology Gods and Goddesses
The Beginning… Cronus and Rhea were two of the original Titans…a group of mighty beings who rule the world. Cronus feared that one of his children would overthrow him. So, he ate them all. Rhea didn’t like that.
Zeus Zeus was one of Cronus and Rhea’s children. Rhea pretended to give Cronus a child to eat, but it was really a stone. She took Zeus away and raised him secretly.
Zeus Conquers Cronus Zeus grew to be a mature Titan. He challenged Cronus, won, and freed his brothers and sisters from Cronus’ belly. This was the start of the Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses that we know today.
The Greek Pantheon ZEUS The king of the gods. His symbol is a lightning bolt.
Poseidon One of the original siblings of Zeus God of the oceans His symbol is a trident
Hades One of Zeus’ original siblings God of the Underworld His symbol is the helmet that makes him invisible
Demeter One of Zeus’ original siblings Goddess of the harvest Symbol is a sheaf of wheat Roman name is Ceres (like cereal)
Hestia One of Zeus’ original siblings Goddess of the hearth Symbol is the living flame
Hera One of Zeus’ original siblings Goddess of marriage and family/ Zeus’ queen Symbol is the peacock
Athena Zeus’ daughter/ She sprang from her father’s head! Goddess of wisdom and knowledge Her symbol is an owl/ spear and shield