Communication Modalities CASE, MCE, SEE, MSS
Language Access Published on Apr 17, 2015 DHN 4:56 Three women tell us about LEAD-K, an organization working towards getting all Deaf children Kindergarten ready. They share the personal stories that led them to join the cause. Their fight? To start using English AND ASL when teaching Deaf children instead of English OR ASL.
ASL- American Sign Language ASL is a visually perceived, gesture-based language
Syntax of ASL In American Sign Language, the order of words in a sentence follows a “Topic” “Comment” arrangement. This could also be called “subject” + “predicate” sentence structure. Other structures “ Time ”+”Topic” + “Comment.” Example:: "WEEK-PAST ME WASH CAR " or "WEEK-PAST CAR WASH ME " SVO Subject,+verb+ object ASL Grammatical Aspects
The different types of manually coded English have caused people to question which sign language is best to use when teaching Deaf students Sign System CASE MCE SEE 1 SEE 2 Cued Speech
MCE- Manually Coded English Is a generic descriptive term for a variety of visual communication methods express through the hands which attempts to represent the English language. This form of MCE were originally developed for use in the education of deaf children, as their literacy in written English has been typically low compared to their hearing peers. Example: Henny Penny in Manually Coded English : “Already Gone” in Manually Coded English
CASE- Conceptually Accurate Signed English Is a communication method that draw man signs from ASL but the signs are used in English word order, with the basic grammar and rule of English. CASE is also know as Pidgin Signed English (PSE).
Storytelling using ASL/PSE and Cued speech Example; ASL, PSE, Cued Speech Sample (not SEE sign)
SEE II- Seeing Essential English Signing Exact English (SEE-II, sometimes Signed Exact English ) is a system of manual communication that strives to be an exact representation of English vocabulary and grammar. It is one of a number of such systems in use in English -speaking countries. Many believe that Signing Exact English is an attempt to “help” the deaf community by eliminating their language and replacing it with “proper” English thereby bringing them closer to conformance with the non-deaf community(lifeprint)
ASL vs. Signed English
SEE 2 – Signing Exact English “Many liberal educators of the Deaf, however, believe and know that American Sign Language (ASL) is the best visual language to teach Deaf students” (Deister, 2008).