What you are receiving… A copy of your up-to-date transcript A copy of your 4-year plan A copy of the presentation An information page regarding at-home registration Program of Studies is on-line on the Spring Branch ISD website. (
Did you know? 1.It takes 11 credits to be a Junior. 2.Core courses are required. 3.You are obligated to remain in year-long classes or electives for the entire year.
DISTINGUISHED TRANSCRIPT In addition to three (3) years of foreign language, four advanced measures are required: Four AP exam scores of 3 or higher Four semesters of Dual Credit earning “B” or higher National Merit Semifinalist, Commended Scholar, National Achievement Scholar, or National Hispanic Scholar Any combination of four of the above
Codes to understand this PowerPoint PreAP: Pre-Advanced Placement – a weighted credit course. Only core courses receive weight. AP: Advanced Placement - a weighted credit that is equivalent to a college course. AP/DC: Advanced Placement with Dual Credit - You will receive college credit through Houston Community College. GT: Gifted and Talented - You must be tested in order to be placed into this class.
PreAP/AP Per the district’s PreAP/AP contract, “The opportunities for a student to choose to exit a Pre-AP/AP class are limited to within the 1st formal grading period and at the end of the 1st semester.” “If the student’s grade in a Pre-AP/AP course falls below a 70 (failing) at the end of any formal grading period, the student will be removed from the Pre-AP/AP course.”
ENGLISH III English II Pre-AP English III AP English III AP/GT English III AP/DC English III AP/DC/GT English II GL English III GL If you are unsure, consult your current English II teacher. * Registration forms must be submitted to enroll in a DC course.
SOCIAL STUDIES U.S. HISTORY Grade Level U.S. HISTORY AP US HISTORY AP/GT U.S. HISTORY AP/DC US HISTORY AP/DC/GT Important: After the first six weeks, students CANNOT transfer between AP and Grade Level U.S. History. * If you already have US History credit, see your counselor.
MATH CLASSES Minimum Plan: Algebra I Geometry Math Models or Algebra II Recommended & Distinguished Plans: Algebra I Geometry Algebra II 4 th State Approved Math * * Math Models will suffice, but must be taken before Algebra II. Most students will move from Algebra II to Pre-Calculus.
MATH Continued… You must have earned at least a 75 in Algebra I to take Algebra II You must have earned at least a 75 in Algebra II to take Pre-Calculus You must earn a 75 or higher in second semester Algebra II Pre-AP to take Pre- Calculus Pre-AP You must have completed Pre- Calculus Pre-AP to take Statistics AP
MATH Continued… Geometry Math Models Geometry Algebra II Math Models Algebra II Algebra II Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus Statistics If unsure, consult with your current math teacher.
SCIENCE Minimum Plan: Biology I IPC * Recommended & Distinguished Plans: Biology I Chemistry Physics 4 th Science *IPC does not count as a 4 th science for the distinguished plan.
SCIENCE CLASSES Chemistry I Grade Level or Pre-AP –must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in Algebra II Physics I Grade Level or Pre-AP –must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in Pre-Cal
Science Transition IPC Chemistry I Chemistry I Physics I (GL or Pre-AP) Chemistry I Pre-AP Physics I (GL or Pre-AP) Consult with your teachers to make these decisions.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION You MUST have 1.0 credits of P.E. Athletics counts as a PE credit. Color Guard counts as PE credit. Markettes and Band will count as a P.E. credit first semester and Fine Arts second semester. ALTERNATIVE P.E. PROGRAM APPLICATIONS DUE IN THE COUNSELOR’S OFFICE BY MAY 1.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE RECOMMENDED PLAN: At least two years of the same foreign language is required. DISTINGUISHED PLAN: At least three years of the same foreign language is required.
Foreign Languages The following languages are offered at Memorial: Spanish, French, German, and Latin. Japanese is offered through Spring Branch ISD on Saturdays at Westchester Academy. American Sign Language (offered only over the summer through SBISD) –ASL 1 will also be offered during the school day. –ASL 2 will only be offered during summer school.
FINE ARTS 1.0 credit of a fine art (both semesters must be in the SAME fine art). You may choose from Art, Art History, Photography, Electronic Media, Orchestra, Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Music Theory AP, Theatre Arts, Technical Theatre, Floral Design, and Dance.
COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS.5 Credit Required (one semester) Choices are: Communication Applications (Speech) Debate I (full year)
Elective Courses Please review the Program of Studies on- line. There is an SAT/ACT Prep class offered at MHS. Make sure the course has MHS or Guthrie written beside it. Otherwise, it is not available to you. It is EXTREMELY important to put an alternative elective. Not all courses will receive enough interest to be offered.
Course Selection at Home Log into your Student Access Account using your ID and password. Click on Course Requests: Courses for To choose a course, highlight the course and click “Add Course.”
Course Selection at Home Select your four core courses English Math Science Social Studies These courses span two semesters, so they will appear on two lines in the “Courses Requested” column.
Course Selection at Home Add six semesters of other courses– three for the fall and three for the spring. Remember your P.E., fine arts, communication applications (Speech), and foreign language requirements for graduation. You should see “Credits: 7.000” on the right side of your screen
Course Selection at Home Choose the “Alternates” tab at the top of the screen. Choose two alternative electives. These electives will be used if a desired elective is closed or cannot fit into your schedule. If you do not get into your first choice class, and you do not have alternatives listed, you will be placed in an elective not of your choosing.
Course Selection at Home You can change the priority order of your alternates by clicking on the “Move Up” or “Move Down” button. Once you have finished, you can print out your choices. Window is open Jan. 22 nd - March 1 st. Make your choices wisely. Check with your counselor if you have questions.
COURSE CHANGES Changes can be made on the Course Verification Sheet that you receive in early April. These MUST be returned to MHS by Friday, May 15, 2015.
REMINDERS Only state credits will satisfy graduation requirements. No course request changes will be honored after Friday, May 29th. Choose wisely and carefully.
Summer School Spring Branch summer school dates TBA. Check the Spring Branch ISD website after Spring Break.
QUESTIONS Refer to your SBISD Program of Studies Mrs. Karie Culbertson Call (713) Stop by Sophomore Grade Level Office