What is Self-Funding? Alternative funding vehicle to a fully-insured plan Maximizes employer’s cash flow of benefit dollars Employer controls plan design and funding
Advantages of Self-Funding Eliminates Most Premium Tax Reduce Administration Costs Control of Plan Design Improve Cash Flow Earn Interest on Reserves
Purpose of Stop-Loss Coverage To Limit Employer’s Risk Facilitate Plan Budgeting To Protect Group from Individual Catastrophic Losses To Limit Overall Claims Costs
Two Types of Stop-Loss Coverage Specific Coverage Aggregate Coverage
Specific Stop-Loss Limits the Employer’s Exposure for each Covered Individual
Aggregate Stop-Loss Limits the Employer’s Total Annual Claims Cost
Determining Specific Deductible for Group Number of Active Employees Good starting point is between 125 to 250 x number of employees Calculation of Group’s claims experience – (more accurate method) Group’s willingness to accept risk Deductible levels can be increased at Renewal to offset rate increases
Contract Options
What is needed to get a quote Requested Specific deductible Coverage basis Commission percentage Proposed (new) schedule of benefits and current schedule Census, including d.o.b. or age, dependent status, gender, zip code and network Paid claims experience Large claim experience Rate History Narrative indicating what the employer or broker is trying to do
Aggregate Excess Loss Stop Loss carrier will reimburse the Plan at the end of each policy period for excess losses up to $1 million above the ceiling, according to the employer’s plan document and excess loss policy Monthly Aggregate Accommodation Manual Aggregates for cases up to 150 lives
What affects Specific Rates? Specific deductible amount Incorporates census data Industry (SIC Code) – Occupation Lifetime and Annual Plan maximum benefit Contract basis Network discount Admin fees
Comparison of Terms – Items to compare in a quote Rates/costs Contract Basis Run-in or run-out limits Contingencies of Proposal Exclusions, “lasers” Guaranteed renewal? Same terms? Who is assuming the risk? Who has claims control?