David Rutherford Chief Human Rights Commissioner, New Zealand Human Rights Commission
Definition - how people with lived experience define the issue is important “Poverty for me means deprivation of opportunity and the inability to live a safe and healthy life. This can be seen as unemployment, homelessness, financial hardship, inadequate access to health and education.”
Design thinking is important - working with people with lived experience on solutions is more effective Redesign of Canterbury Health System Productivity Commission’s Social Services Report Family Violence Death Review Committee Report “Aotearoa New Zealand does not currently have a system that was designed to comprehensively address family violence. The current family violence system is a therefore a ‘system’ only by default rather than by design.” Minister Adams endorses report – “The report identifies that our family violence system is one formed from default rather than design and highlights the opportunity that transformational change presents”
New Zealand’s Foreign Minister in the UN General Assembly “New Zealand welcomes the adoption of the SDGs. But we also know that this marks the beginning not the end of the process. Ahead lies the serious challenge of attempting to meet these Goals. If we are to succeed in the way in which the MDGs did not, we will need to learn from the significant lessons of the recent past. These are lessons about hard work and hard decisions, about choosing the right priorities and focusing on practical outcomes. Above all they are about strong partnerships that deliver positive, timely results.”
Will New Zealand keep its promises to people in New Zealand? The State has promised to protect and promote the political, civil, economic, social and cultural human rights of everyone in New Zealand. The State has promised to leave no one behind in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Immediately after the States had adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Malala Yousafzai asked them from the balcony of the UN General Assembly - “Will you keep your promises?” What is relationship between the human rights promises and the SDG promises - guide-sdgshttp:// guide-sdgs Disaggregated Data is going to be critical to measuring who is being left behind. Human Rights analysis is about to be much more data driven.
What would good governance and policy coherence look like? Peace EC O NOMIC SOCIAL ENVIRONMEN T AL Higher Living Standards Sustainable Treasury Living Standards Sustainability Equity Risk Economic Growth Social cohesion Sustainable Development Contributing to the (SDGs) in New Zealand Human Rights Promotion and Protection (Social Economic Cultural Rights) Awareness – Advocacy - Action Peacemaking Transparency and Accountability Human Rights Promotion and Protection (Political and Civil Rights ) SDG Goal 16 Recognition and Inclusion of Marginalised Groups