SCVSP Mrs. Bell This is our virtual open house! Enjoy this video; listen carefully.
Skype: Meredith.Holcombe.Bell Message in VSA Office hours posted in skype and course
Check VSA daily Check the Announcement /Bulletin board in course
Login to VSA ( Click on Student Records >> Student Profile The Welcome Survey/VSA Poll Link will be sent in VSA and Is located on my website.
Confirm for accuracy: SUNS ID Name Birthday address(es) Phone Number(s) Mailing Address Save any changes.
Create a Guardian account in VSA To receive bi-weekly progress reports To receive/send messages to me through VSA Directions for creating a guardian account can be found at the parents tab on
Click on our course title in VSA to go to Moodle classroom. Under My Courses click on SCVSP Student Orientation
Complete Student Orientation Course Download completion certificate (pdf file) On the official first day of class– Login to our course and Upload certificate through course link when the course begins: Student Orientation Certificate HERE
Welcome Call/VSA Survey Check VSA for a message titled: “WELCOME/VSA SURVEY (Google Form)” Click on the link in that message and complete the survey. At the end of the survey, you will be sent an to your personal account (that you verified in the survey) with the answer to the VSA Profile Quiz– WRITE IT DOWN. Don’t forget there is the Open House/Welcome answer. Write this one down too!! Watch for it. On the first day of class, you’ll be asked to submit those answers for a GRADE.
REMEMBER: You can complete the orientation and download the certificate now, but you will not have access to the submission links as shown above until the first day of class, when class officially begins. You can find the assignments Under the “books” or sometimes in the Course Menu. From the Course Menu.
Communicate with me! Read Everything and Read Carefully! Meet all due dates… 10-day drop: If you decided you do not want to take this course anymore, send me a message in VSA. If you drop before the 10 day period is over, there is no grade penalty. If you drop or if you are administratively withdrawn for lack of work after the 10 day grace, you will receive a WF on transcript.
Watch this video Guardian—create guardian account in VSA Student and Guardian– Verify information in Student Profile for accuracy Student-- Complete the Student Orientation Course and Download certificate Student– Complete the Welcome/VSA Survey (Google Form) through link in VSA Student and Guardian– Complete Roll Call (next page)
This information is important for both you as student and your guardian, both of you should watch this video. When you’ve completed the video and the tasks on the previous page, call my office number: and leave the following message: Student: State your name and class. Say “Thanks for the video-I’m getting started now.” Parent/Guardian: State your name and say. “My student is ready to work!”
I look forward to working with you this session…
That Open House/Welcome Call password was the word: ONLINE