RESEARCH – EFFECT OF MUSIC ON THE MIND *The interconnection between music and the physical and mental health of human beings. *Music does have positive effects on our mind. It has the power of healing certain ailments. *Indian classical music has been found to have the strongest healing powers. *Music has a calming effect on the mind. It is known to speed the recovery of health ailments. It helps fight anxiety and has a soothing effect on the brain.
EFFECTS OF MUSIC ON THE MIND Positive Effects Fights Depression: Feeling depressed, gloomy or inadequate? Soothing music can help you. Depression reduces brain activity and hampers the mind's ability to plan and carry out tasks. Relieves Anxiety: Music can come to rescue. It calms the body nerves and soothes the mind. Flat musical notes induce sleep. Improves Learning Abilities: Music affects the process of learning and thinking. Listening to quiet and soothing music while working helps you work faster and in a more efficient way. Boosts Confidence: Music has a positive effect on the interpersonal skills of an individual. Music proves helpful in encouraging young children to venture new fields Increases Concentration Levels, Improves Memory: It is known that music helps increase your concentration levels. It helps improve memory. It has been found to increase memory levels of Alzheimer's and dementia patients.
Negative Effects that Music Can Have *Very loud music can disturb the symmetry between the right and left halves of the brain. *Loud music results in a disturbed state of mind. Exposure to harsh or disruptive music at an early age can lead to learning disabilities and behavior problems in children. *Muscles go weak when subjected to the stopped anapestic beat in hard rock music. He also says that shrill frequencies and irregular beats are harmful to the mind and body. *Disharmony in music has been shown to reduce retention levels of the brain and lead to aggression and hyperactivity. *Heavily repeating musical patterns can lead to feelings of anger and boredom. EFFECTS OF MUSIC ON THE MIND
MUSIC PERSONALITIES People that hang out with each other tend to listen to the same types of music. People that listen to Country will usually have unique accents and like camo and hunting. People that like “screamo” or metalcore tend to be more extroverted, labeled as the “emo” kids dying their hair and wearing more unique clothing. People that like rap tend to sag and dress with baggier clothes.
CONSONANCE AND DISSONANCE Consonance is the sound and playing of major chords which will make the listener happier and this music is uplifting. Dissonance however is the playing of darker, crunchier chords that can make the listener cringe or trigger negative emotions depending on the listeners overall persona. Consonance is played with a lot of pop music. Dissonance is more associated with hard rock and metal. Depending on the person, they make like more dissonant music, or consonant.
“THE MOZART EFFECT” “The Mozart Effect” is when babies and younger toddlers are exposed to classical music composers while they are asleep, so when they are older they will have a generally higher intelligence. This has been effective and used for decades now. This is so popular due to its slew of positive effects such as, a higher spatial intelligence, a deeper understanding of people, more emotional, and overall this inevitably creates a more complex individual, a person more artistic and open minded then most.
MELODY AND HARMONY Melody and harmony will usually accompany one another. The melody is the part of a song that will get stuck in your head The harmony is what accompanies the melody playing an underlying part that makes the melody sound better. The harmony and melody will split into chords creating a more complex piece, making it more interesting to listen to. Pop songs tend to have repetitive melodic and harmonic parts, making them catchy and memorable, thus making them popular.