Unit 4: Celebrations Lesson B and C
Celebrations Which special days do Koreans celebrate? (not national holidays) ex. graduation What do they do to celebrate?
Grammar Point: BE going to + verb FORM 1.Statements subject + be + going to + verb We’re going to go to a restaurant for dinner. 2.Yes/No questions be + subject + going to + verb? Are you going to have a big wedding? 3.Information questions question word + be + subject + going to + verb? What are you going to do for your birthday?
Grammar Point: BE going to + verb USE one of the most common ways to talk about the future (70% of uses are future) used to talk about personal plans and intentions (especially when a person has already made a decision to do something) A: What are you doing for New Year’s Eve? [What are your plans? What do you intend to do?] B: I’m going to Times Square to see the ball drop at midnight.
Grammar Point: BE going to + verb USE used to make predictions about future actions or events (especially when a person has reasons to predict them) –She’s going to be a great lawyer. [after seeing her win a mock trial] –It’s going to rain. [after seeing dark clouds in the sky]
Indirect objects indirect object comes before the direct object Alicia isn’t going to give Dave anything. person receiving the action can come after the direct object, but a preposition is used I’m going to buy a necklace for my mother. indirect object is often the name of the person who receives the action explained by the verb (answers the questions: “To whom? For whom?”) Let’s send Mom and Dad some flowers.
Indirect object pronouns me you him her us them I’m going to send James a card. I’m going to send my boyfriend a card. I’m going to send ___ a card. The school is going to give our class a graduation party. The school is going to give __ a graduation party.
Try it out! P. 35 2A
Speaking naturally In conversation, going to is usually reduced. –“gonna” –sometimes written in song lyrics or online chat or but NOT in formal writing
Ask and Answer P. 35 2A A: Are you going to do anything special for your birthday? B: Yeah. My friends are going to buy me dinner at a Thai restaurant.
Getting healthy and staying healthy AcupunctureAcupuncture HerbalismHerbalism HomeopathyHomeopathy NaturopathyNaturopathy Chiropractic therapyChiropractic therapy Massage therapyMassage therapy MeditationMeditation YogaYoga VegitarianismVegitarianism VeganismVeganism Raw foodsRaw foods Whole foodsWhole foods PilatesPilates CrossFitCrossFit ZumbaZumba
Assignment 1: Health and wellness PART A: Conversation Write a conversation which introduces your health/wellness trendWrite a conversation which introduces your health/wellness trend Each person in your group must speak 5 lines of the conversationEach person in your group must speak 5 lines of the conversation Present your conversation at the beginning of your presentation (introduction to your presentation)Present your conversation at the beginning of your presentation (introduction to your presentation) Submit a script of conversation as a Word file (.doc attachment) due 10/8 before midnight (11:59pm)Submit a script of conversation as a Word file (.doc attachment) due 10/8 before midnight (11:59pm) –do NOT send.hwp files!!
Assignment 1: Health and wellness PART B: Presentation Create a short presentation about your topicCreate a short presentation about your topic Each person must speak for 2 minutesEach person must speak for 2 minutes –(Ex. group of 3 = 6 minute presentation) You may use ppt, but you MUST submit your ppt file to me in class on 10/8You may use ppt, but you MUST submit your ppt file to me in class on 10/8 –if you do not submit your ppt file to me early, you must make your own visual aids (pictures, posters etc.) Presentations will be in class Thursday 10/11Presentations will be in class Thursday 10/11
Tips and Hints This assignment is worth 5% of your final gradeThis assignment is worth 5% of your final grade You must use the vocabulary and grammar from unit 3You must use the vocabulary and grammar from unit 3 You must use the conversation strategies from all units!You must use the conversation strategies from all units! Don’t read OR memorize! You can use notecards.Don’t read OR memorize! You can use notecards. Be creative!Be creative! Conversation script due 10/8 before midnight (ppt due 10/8 in class)Conversation script due 10/8 before midnight (ppt due 10/8 in class) Presentations 10/11 in classPresentations 10/11 in class
Assignment 1: Scoring Components Percent % Content quantity (length) quality (detail) creativitymaterials20 Grammaraccuracyrelevance20 Vocabularyaccuracyrange20 Deliverypronunciationfluencynaturalness eye contact volumeintonation20 Scriptcontentgrammarvocabularyappropriateness20
Assignment Groups Group 1 김희선 김도연 여수진 oriental medicine Group 2 오선호 손진호 손태종 에브게니 aromatherapy Group 3 정유경 한고은 정영락 우성엽 herbalism Group 4 박소영 이성현 이홍균 vegitarianism Group 5 전유진 연수빈 박은미 박경민 raw food Group 6 이민주 김환 박건영 노태주 laughter therapy Group 7 정지은 이지연 김세정 김태원 veganism Group 8 문현화 정찬호 조장미 피터에릭 yoga