ASME Group Pathways & Support GPS Requisition Tool
About the GPS Requisition Tool
What is the GPS Requisition Tool? The Group Pathways & Support (GPS) requisition tool has been designed to serve as a portal for providing volunteers of official ASME groups with support and assistance. Volunteer leaders can submit requests for themselves and/or on behalf of their group, track requests, and attach files as needed, and GPS staff members will work to process the requests accordingly.
Why use the GPS Requisition Tool? By serving as a single repository for all group activities, the tool will help improve communications and workflow among volunteer leaders and staff and enhance the way your group conducts ASME business.
What types of requests can I or members of my group submit? With the GPS Requisition Tool, volunteers and groups can submit: Annual plans Activity requests Activity related tasks like reimbursements, vendor payments or requests to create awards for distribution Leadership updates General inquiries / help requests Suggestions / feedback Each request submitted will generate a unique ticket for tracking purposes and will be listed in your group’s account. In addition, notifications about your request will also be sent as certain actions are taken on your ticket.
Who can use the GPS Requisition Tool? The system is accessible to all volunteer leadership recorded as Group Leadership Team (GLT) members of the following groups: Divisions (GLT only) Sections, Sub-Sections & Technical Chapters Affinity Groups Research Committees International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) Board Old Guard Committee
How can I or a member of my group access the GPS Requisition Tool? Your account (Single Sign-On ID) will be used to log in to the tool, and will authenticate you as a member of the group. This is the same login ( address and password) you use for, the Online Roster, the Conference Toolbox, and other ASME tools, and should align to your member record.
Logging in to the GPS Requisition Tool
Visit the GPS Requisition Tool login screen at
Enter your address and password.
Select the group you are logging in on behalf of from the pull-down, and click on Launch Requisition Tool.
You are now logged in to the tool as a member of the group you selected. The group you are logged in as
Your Self Service Homepage provides you with access to submitting requests, checking the status of requests, and finding help. Click a link on the left to display a dashboard view of requests in that category Enter a search term to search the Help on using the system, or on policies and procedures for groups Click on a category name to submit a request Click the Check Status category to check the status of a request Additional links to homepage, submitting requests, checking status and the Help guides.
Submitting an Annual Plan
About Annual Plans Annual plans have been developed to help develop and communicate among all volunteers in your group and ASME a high-level view of planned group expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year. Staff will initiate your Annual Plan ticket upon receipt of your leadership update for the new program year. A confirmation will be sent to members of the GLT with information on how to update the plan. Plan tickets can be updated once initiated, and will be accepted until October 1. Annual plans are required for all groups whose total anticipated expenses are over $100,000 for the program year. Annual Plans do NOT replace the need to submit individual activity and administrative requests for approval through the GPS Requisition Tool.
Click on the Annual Plans link on the left to view your dashboard of Annual Plan requests.
Click on the ticket link to access the plan.
Update your plan with an overview of your group’s planned activities, as well as estimated total expenses. Click Update when done.
Once your plan has been acknowledged by staff, the ticket will be closed for editing.
Submitting an Activity Request & Post-Activity Report
About Activity Requests Activity requests are required, as per the Group Operations Guide. Activity requests must be submitted when funds from a segregated account will be used to support and/or conduct a given activity. Activities should be submitted in accordance with lead times for approval. (Search the Help for specific information on lead times.) Once approved, the activity can be conducted, and activity related tasks can be submitted to staff for processing.
Click on the Activities category.
Click on the form name, Activity Requests. Click on the More Information link to view details on the form
Read the form instructions at the top, and complete the form. Click the More Information link to access help tips on a question
Continue to complete the form, and click Submit when done.
Your request has been submitted, and a ticket has been generated. A notification will be sent to the submitted in the form. Answers to form questions will be pre-filled in the ticket. All other fields will be filled in by the staff assigned to your ticket, or as the ticket gets processed. Click the different tabs to view the form questions by section.
The Comments and Work Notes tab accepts comments to your ticket and tracks ticket activity. To add a comment or provide an update on your ticket, enter your comments and click Post or Update.
The Post-Activity Report tab allows your group to report on an activity that has been conducted. Complete the fields in this tab and choose Update to submit them.
Submitting an Activity-Related Task Example: Reimbursement Request
What is an activity-related task, and when should my group submit one? An activity-related task is any task that staff needs to process for you, or on your group’s behalf, as part of conducting an activity. Activity-related tasks include: Reimbursements Vendor payments Awards/honoraria creation/production Creating/issue travel stipends Activity related tasks should be submitted AFTER an activity has been approved and/or conducted Example 1: Submit an activity request for a committee meeting. Once approved, conduct the meeting, and submit the reimbursement after the meeting is over. Example 2: Submit an activity request for an Honors/Awards activity. Once approved, submit an activity-related task to have the awards created for distribution.
Click on the Administrative Requests category.
Click on the form name, Reimbursements, Payments & Travel Stipends.
Read the form instructions at the top, and complete the form. Use the magnifying glass to select a task type. In this case, travel / expense reimbursement for a GLT member.
Continue to complete the form. Before submitting, you will need to attach files to complete this request.
Attach your files. Click on the paper clip at the top of the form to open the Attachments screen.
Attach your files. Click on Browse to find your file, then choose Attach. When done, close the box by choosing X. Your files will be attached to the ticket.
Click Submit after your files have been attached.
Your Reimbursement request has been submitted, and a ticket has been generated. A notification will be sent to the submitted in the form.
Submitting a General Administrative Task Example: Leadership Update
About General Admin Tasks & Inquiries Use this request type to submit general tasks that ASME staff may need to process for your group, or to ask questions: Leadership updates Online tools assignments Financial inquiries / list serve requests Reports Problems you / your group may be having Any other question / inquiry Suggestions / feedback
Click on the Administrative Requests category.
Click on the form name, General Admin Tasks & Inquiries.
Read the form instructions at the top, and complete the form. Click Submit when done. Use the description box to provide your update (or inquiry), and attach files as needed.
Your request has been submitted, and a ticket has been generated. A notification will be sent to the submitted in the form.
You have the option to Close and Re-open General Admin Task & Inquiry Tickets. Click on Close Incident to let us know you no longer need assistance with a task / inquiry.
If you’d like to re-instate a closed General Admin Task / Inquiry ticket, add comments to your ticket and click Re-open to put the ticket back into the workflow.
Check the Status of your Request
Click on the Check Status category, or one of the dashboard view links on the left.
You can view an overview of all tickets from the Check Status page. For details on a ticket, click on the ticket link.
Dashboard views will show you all tickets for a specific category. For details on your ticket, click on the ticket link.
Exporting Requests
You can export all requests in a specific category as charts, Excel files or PDF’s. Right click on a column header to export your requests in various file types
Sample export of data in Excel.
Bar Graph example of types of General Admin Tasks & Inquiries a group submitted Click the dashed lines to export the chart graphic as an image
Pie Chart example of types of General Admin Tasks & Inquiries a group submitted. Click on a piece of the chart to view only those requests
You can also export a single ticket request in PDF format. Right click on the ticket header and navigate to the Export function.
Other Information & Things to Remember
Use the Help area to find more detailed information on using the system. The Help area also contains Processes / Procedures for Groups. Use a search term and click Search, or click on the link on the left, Get Help
Search or navigate help articles from the Help homepage.
Join the GPS Group Page to find out about tool updates and changes. Go to and click on “Join Group”
If you have problems with accessing the system, please