The National Framework for Waste Management in Norway Conference on Waste Management, Sibiu, 3-4 November 2009 Barbro Thomsen, Senior Adviser
Government Other ministries Ministry of the Environment National Regional Local The Directorate for Nature Management (DN) The Norwegian Mapping Authority (SK) The Polar Research Institute (NP) The Directorate for Cultural Heritage The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) County Governors (18) Administrative Municipalities (430) Political + Administrative
The legal basis for SFT’s authority Three acts form the legal basis for the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority’s work: The pollution control act The product control act The greenhouse gas emission trading act (Ministry of Environment's site) Pursuant to these acts, a number of special regulations have also been issued: Regulations relating to pollution control (Pollution regulations) Regulations relating to the recycling of waste (Waste regulations) Regulations relating to restrictions on the use of chemicals and other products hazardous to health and the environment (Product regulations) And as an overreaching regulation, covering the entire HSE (Health, Safety and the Environment) field: Regulations relating to Systematic Health, Environmental and Safety Activities in Enterprises (Internal Control Regulations) Regulations relating to health, environment and safety in the petroleum activities (5) Other relevant acts and regulations: Plan and Building Act Environmental information act
Some examples of instruments Through regulations: –Final treatment of waste (landfill, incineration) –Regulation of particular waste streams –Ban on landfilling of biodegradable waste Tax (duty) on the final treatment of waste Producer/importer responsibility Take-back systems Mandatory Waste Management Plans for construction or demolition
SFT’s roles in Waste Managment We monitor the State of the Environment and disseminate environmental information We obtain information on waste volume, waste streams and the way waste treatment (options) impact the environment We provide information on waste streams and treatment options to a broad range of target groups through out websites: and through brochures, guidelines etc. We excersise authority and monitor comliance We manage and enforce the Waste Regulation. The Waste regulation covers collection and treatment of waste, landfilling, waste incineration, transboundary transport of waste and the various take-back schemes We guide and instruct the County Governors We guide and instruct the County Governors on the waste issues where they have been delegated authority We give advice and initiate action We give advice to the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment on various waste issues and propose new or improved instruments in relation to waste management. We give advice to Norwegian Customs on the tax (duty) on final treament of waste We initiate action and cooperate with the sectors and the industry to ensure proper collection, handling, recycling, reuse and treatment of waste. We participate in international cooperation We contribute to the development of EU legislation (through expertc groups etc.) and in Nordic initiatives on waste. We take part in the work on global and regional agreements and conventions We participate in international projects
National objectives on Waste and Waste Recovery Strategic objective: “Damage to people and the environment caused by waste will be minimised. To achieve this, waste problems will be solved by means of policy instruments that ensure a good socio-economic balance between the quantity of waste generated and the quantities re-used, recovered, incinerated and landfilled.”
National objectives on Waste and Waste Recovery (cont.) National targetsIndicatorsStatus Reduce waste generation The growth in the quantity of waste generated will be considerably lower than the rate of economic growth. Total annual quantity of waste generated relative to economic growth (as GDP) Increase waste recovery The proportion of waste recovered will be raised to about 75% of the total quantity in 2010 and subsequently to 80%. This is based on the principle that the quantity of waste recovered should be increased to a level that is appropriate in economic and environmental terms. Proportion of the total quantity of waste recovered Dispose of hazardous waste safely Hazardous waste will be dealt with in an appropriate way, so that it is either recovered or sufficient treatment capacity is provided within Norway. The generation of each type of hazardous waste will be reduced by 2020 compared with the 2005 level. Quantity of hazardous waste exported for final disposal Quantity of hazardous waste for which disposal is unknown
Main challenges and priorities Implementation of the EU Framework Directive on Waste Reduce the amount of waste generated Utilise waste as a resource through: –Reuse –Energy recovery Reduce emissions from waste disposal Reduce unknown disposal of hazardous waste Identify new prioritised hazardous waste streams
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