MGT6230 Week 1 Dr Ridhwan Fontaine
Icebreaking: Throwing Tennis Balls
Objectives of the course 1. To present the Islamic perspective to OB 2. To Develop a Systems Perspective of OB 3. To focus on Problem Solving, Negotiation, Collective Leadership and Change Management
Overview of the Course The Islamic Purpose of Life The Protestant Reformation – Complexity theory. Process Thinking Systems Thinking Game – the Inefficient version Systems Thinking Game – the Efficient version Peter Senge’s Fifth Discipline Back to the Muslim world – root cause and symptoms of the problem Mid-Semester Exam Problem solving: future system and current system Negotiation – asking the right questions – systems archetypes Collective leadership – the power of shura – shura and systems thinking Change – the power of mental models Review
Purpose of life Protestant reformation Complexity Process Thinking Systems Thinking Root causes and symptoms Problem solving Negotiation Collective Leadership Change
Assessment Islamic Personality Assignment – 20% One half must be submitted in week 7 One half must be submitted in week 12 Personal Diary: Examples of Systems Thinking in everyday life – 20% Class Participation – 5 % Mid-semester Exam - 15% Final Exam – 40%
A students BC Less than C Explain (40%) Know the facts and can explain them clearly and concisely. Explanations can distinguish between other concepts and other theories. Explain the Islamic perspective. Application (25%) Provide relevant examples. The examples are not the same as the one given in class. Analysis (25%) Explain both sides of an argument. Their logic follows the DULD pattern. Synthesis (10%) See OB holistically. They bring relevant points from other chapters and other sources. Creativity.
Warm Up Exercise Purpose of Life Why do people enter Paradise? Individual Responsibilities of a Muslim Collective Responsibilities of a Muslim