Islamic Fundamentalism And Terrorism Islamic Fundamentalism And Terrorism.


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Presentation transcript:

Islamic Fundamentalism And Terrorism Islamic Fundamentalism And Terrorism

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Warm-Up Questions CPS Questions (1 - 2)

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Overview  The general impact of terrorism in the world  How radical Islamist beliefs contribute to terrorism  The events associated with the 9/11 attacks and the Global War on Terror

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Quick Write Do you think the airline acted properly in taking these families off the plane? these families off the plane? Explain whether you think it’s OK to suspect people based on their religion and ethnic origin. based on their religion and ethnic origin. (Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS)

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 The General Impact of Terrorism in the World  Terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence against noncombatants by subnational groups or clandestine agents, generally to influence an audience Andy Nelson / © 2003 The Christian Science Monitor

Chapter 1, Lesson 4  Al-Qaeda and allied groups have been the greatest terror threat to the United States  Osama bin Laden remains al-Qaeda figurehead  Troubling trend: regional terrorist groups developing ties to al-Qaeda  Elsewhere: Iran & Syria Robert Harbison / © 2001 The Christian Science Monitor The General Impact of Terrorism in the World, cont.

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 How Radical Islamist Beliefs Contribute to Terrorism  Sharia is Islamic religious law  Saudi royal family supports a fundamentalist sect of Islam: Wahhabism  Bin Laden offers an extreme view of Islamic history  Caliphate collapsed because its leaders strayed from true religion  Al-Qaeda hates the United States Robert Harbison / © 2001 The Christian Science Monitor

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 The Events Associated with the 9/11 Attacks and the Global War on Terror  Four teams of al- Qaeda hijackers turned aircraft into weapons  2 hit Twin Towers in NYC  1 hit Pentagon  1 crashed in Pennsylvania  About 3000 people died Andy Nelson / © 2002 The Christian Science Monitor

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 The Events Associated with the 9/11 Attacks and the Global War on Terror, cont.  Al-Qaeda was the power behind the 9/11 attacks  On 7 October 2001, the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan  Wasn’t the end of either the Taliban or al-Qaeda Robert Harbison / © 2002 The Christian Science Monitor

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 The Events Associated with the 9/11 Attacks and the Global War on Terror, cont.  Al-Qaeda network—a “globalized insurgency”  The US government attacks the enemy at three levels:  Leaders  Safe havens  Underlying conditions

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Learning Check CPS Questions (3 - 4)

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Activity 1: Islamic Fundamentalism and Terrorism Review Unscramble the words and write the definitions in the spaces provided

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Activity 2: Responses to Terrorism 1. What do you think authorities should do in this situation? 2. What do you think they should not do?

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Activity 3: What Are the Best Ways to Put an End to Terrorism? What do you think are the best ways to put an end to terrorism? Explain why.

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Technology Enrichment: The September 11 Digital Archive Visit and explore the stories on the Smithsonian’s website, “The September 11 Digital Archive”

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Review  Terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence against noncombatants by subnational groups or clandestine agents, generally to influence an audience  Al-Qaeda and allied groups have been the greatest terror threat to the United States  Osama bin Laden offers an extreme view of Islamic history

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Review, cont.  On 11 September 2001 four teams of al- Qaeda hijackers turned aircraft into weapons  Oct. 2001: the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan  The al-Qaeda network is a “globalized insurgency”

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Review Questions CPS Questions (5 - 6)

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Summary  The general impact of terrorism in the world  How radical Islamist beliefs contribute to terrorism  The events associated with the 9/11 attacks and the Global War on Terror

Chapter 1, Lesson 4 Next…  Done—Islamic Fundamentalism and Terrorism  Next—US Interests and Regional Issues in the Middle East Robert Harbison / © 1991 The Christian Science Monitor