Clouds 6.E.2B.1
Clouds are classified by their basic shape. Each shape is associated with different weather patterns.
3 Main Shapes of Clouds Cumulus Cirrus Stratus
Cumulus Puffy with flat bottoms
Usually signal fair weather
When they are darker, they may signal rain or thunderstorms as they develop into cumulonimbus clouds (storm heads or thunder heads) Latin word for “heap” or “pile”
(draw for Cumulus) Cumulonimbus
Cirrus Form at very high elevations
Wispy looking, usually consisting of ice crystals
Signals fair weather or an approaching warm front. Latin word for “curl” or “fringe”
(draw for cirrus)
Stratus Grayish clouds, spread out layer upon layer, covering a large area.
As they thicken, long periods of precipitation can occur over that area. Latin word for “layer”
(draw for stratus)
Other types of Clouds “Nimbus” means rain… Nimbostratus would mean a “stratus rain cloud” “Alto” means high… Altocumulus would mean a “high cumulus cloud” Fog: clouds that form on or near the ground.