L/O: To understand what Islamic Jihad is really all about.


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Presentation transcript:

L/O: To understand what Islamic Jihad is really all about.

Jihad means struggle What different kinds of struggle can you think of?

Different kinds of Jihad Permission to fight is called Jihad. Jihad means struggle against evil to fulfil God’s wishes. This could mean: -Preaching Islam to others -Seeking knowledge -Self-control, self-discipline, self-improvement -Fighting to defend one’s country.

Jihad means struggle Greater Jihad is the inner battle to purify the soul. This includes showing a caring attitude to others. Lesser Jihad is about going to war. The rules about war are very strict. The Qur’an states that war: 1. Is only allowed in self defence. 2. Must be the last resort. 3. Must not be fought to capture other people’s land. 4. Must not be used to force others to become Muslims. 5. Must not be fought out of hatred or anger. 6. Must not cause harm to innocents.

Tasks 1. What would you say to someone who said that the 7/7 bombings in London were a “good Jihad”. 2. Which set of criteria do you think is best: Just War Theory or Jihad? Explain your reasons. OR What would your list of criteria be for whether or not a war should be fought?