PERSONALITY: Humanistic & Trait Theories Unit 10 Modules 57 & 58 AP Psychology
THE HUMANISTIC APPROACH THE HUMANISTIC APPROACH: ABRAHAM MASLOW: Believed humans are separated from animals because they recognize their desire to achieve: We must each follow our own path.
CARL ROGER’S PERSON-CENTERED PERSPECTIVE CARL ROGERS People are basically good – like little acorns waiting to grow and develop but sometimes cannot due to environmental factors. We all need self-esteem Conditions of worth= designed by others or self imposed – can lead to problems We have self-esteem if our parents show us : When parents accept children only conditionally, they learn it is bad to have ideas of their own and rebel. Self-actualization requires getting in touch with our genuine feelings and acting on them. This is person-centered therapy. Growth-promoting climate-> SELF THEORY: We shape our personalities through free choice and action: ULTIMATE GOAL – A. Each person has unique perception of the world (phenomenal field) Our self-concept is our view of ourselves and our adequacy. “Who Am I?”
THE HUMANISTIC APPROACH: THERAPY THERAPY STYLE: Patients are called clients. Approach is called client centered. TECHNIQUE:
EVALUATION OF HUMANISTIC APPROACH LIMITS 1.Concepts are vague and subjective i.e. Maslow’s fully actualized person 2.Theories based on case studies and observations 3.Culture dependent: irrelevant in non western cultures where individualism and self-centered theories not valued. 4.Somewhat naïve in the approach to the evils of the world STRENGTHS Has helped people to see the need for acceptance, empathy, and nurturing positive feelings (“I feel good about me”/self class) 3. Seeks to understand behavior in human terms from the view of the person who is unhappy, confused, etc.
PERSONALITY—TRAIT THEORY A TRAIT: We assume people have certain traits based on how they behave Traits are: Traits account for: Hippocrates suggested traits are different combinations of bodily fluids, which he called humors
ASSESSING TRAITS GORDON ALLPORT tried to catalog every human trait. Listed 18,000 Concluded traits are the building blocks of our personality Our behavior is a product of our combination of traits. Testing usually done through surveys; factor analysis is then done 1. Myers-Briggs-> 2. MMPI most famous (Minnesota Multiphastic Personality Inventory)->
ALLPORT’S TRAITS ALLPORT’S 3 KINDS OF INDIVIDUAL TRAITS: 1.Cardinal Trait: 2.Central Trait: The trait most characteristic of each of us. 3. Secondary Trait:
DIMENSIONS OF PERSONALITY HANS EYSENCK focused on the relationships between two personality dimensions: 1.Introversion (looks inward for ideas and energy) versus 2.Emotional stability (reliable, composed, rational) versus
THE BIG FIVE FACTORS THE FIVE FACTOR MODEL (“THE BIG FIVE”): CANOE: memory tip Look at personality factors 1.Extroversion 2.Agreeableness 3.Conscientiousness 4.Neuroticism-Emotional Stability- Instability 5.Openness to Experience Video: what is 5 factor theory in two minutes! ORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=EADA4ABD2CAA CED88EC4EADA4ABD2CAACED88EC4 Role of Biology:
RESEARCH ON BIG FIVE They define personality structure of American, German, Portuguese, Jewish, Chinese, Korean and Japanese Our personalities tend to mature rather than be shaped by environmental conditions People who get traffic tickets score lower on agreeableness. Dictators score low on openness to experience People who get along with everyone score low on conscientiousness Our position on these dimensions is established at early age
EVALUATION OF THE TRAIT APPROACH Describes but does not explain: Many practical applications, such as matching people to jobs, educational programs that suit their personalities. Person-Situation Controversy- looking for genuine personality traits that persist over time and across situations The inconsistency of behaviors: