Changes in delivered luminosity by varying the store length, using the luminosity projection model described in in Beams-doc-2022 Vaia Papadimitriou 30 January, 2007
Introduction 1. The model used is the one described in Beams-doc-2022, by Dave McGinnis. 2. The model predicts weekly integrated luminosity on the basis of 16 input parameters described in the following page. 3. I assume by default 22 hour long stores and 6 pbar transfer shots between stores.
Selected Inputs for the model described in Beams-doc-2022 1. Number of protons per bunch 260 x 10 9 2. Luminosity 100 x b -1 / sec 3. Luminosity 300 x b -1 / sec 4. Init Tevatron 80 b -1 /sec 7.7 hours 5. Init Tevatron 160 b -1 /sec 6.9 hours 6. HEP store hours per week 100 hours 7. Acc-Rec Transfer 0x % 8. Acc-Rec Transfer 300x % 9. Acc-Rec transfer time 0.25 hours 10. Recycler lifetime 500 hours 11. Recycler mining efficiency 97% 12. Zero stack stack rate 20x10 10 /hour 13. Half rate stack size 200x10 10 14. Maximum stack size 400x10 10 15. Timeline Utililization Factor 80% 16. Accumulator leftover factor 15%
Integrated luminosity pb -1 per week for a 22 hour store, 100 store hours per week
Integrated luminosity variations by varying the store length, 100 store hours per week
Integrated luminosity pb -1 per week for a 22 hour store, 120 store hours a week
Integrated luminosity variations by varying the store length, 120 store hours per week