Tyler Merrill Romeo and Juliet Theme Test Definition: A theme is a lesson that the author shows to the reader without directly stating it in the text. A theme will show up multiple times in a story, and the author is trying to show you what the results could be in a decision that you make. Theme: You should not rush things, you do not know what the effects could be
Summary: Tybalt is tired of Mercutio talking and they get in a sword fight. Mercutio ends up dying and without thinking of it, Romeo gets mad and murders Tybalt. Even though Tybalt does not mean to kill Mercutio, Romeo gets into the middle of the battle and his friend Mercutio ended up dying. Direct Quote: “This day’s black fate on more days doth depend; this but begins the woe others must end” Explanation/Connection: This moment in a big turning point in the story. Romeo acts before he thinks, and he was charged with murder and banished from Verona. If this did not happen, then Romeo and Juliet would never have been separated from each other and they would not have died.
Summary: Romeo did not receive the letter about the friar’s plan. He rushed to Verona to make sure Juliet is really dead after Balthasar comes to Mantua and tells him. Romeo gets enough poison from an apothecary to kill himself. He goes to Juliet’s tomb and right before she wakes up, he drinks the poison. The friar tried to save Romeo but he was too late. Direct Quote: “Here’s to my love! O true apothecary, the drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die” Explanation/Connection: This is basically the end to Romeo and Juliet’s love story. If he did not drink the poison so quickly, Romeo would have seen Juliet and they could have been together. Juliet also would not have killed herself with the dagger. Also, if Romeo would have gotten the letter instead of it not being sent, he would have been able to go save Juliet and they could again be with each other.
Summary: The friar makes a plan for Juliet not to marry Paris. She does this so she can run away to be with Romeo in Mantua. They use the first plan they can think of and it does not end up going very well. She agrees to fake her death the day of her wedding with Paris and Romeo is supposed to come save her from her tomb, but he does not receive the plan. Direct Quotes: “Hold! Get you gone, be strong and prosperous In this resolve. I’ll send a friar with speed to Mantua, with my letters to thy lord. Explain/Connection: If Juliet actually thought this out, she could have left for Mantua to be with Romeo instead of making a plan that doesn’t end up working at all. This plan is really what ended up being the cause of why Romeo and Juliet died and it plays a major part in the story.