Hotel CIDA-DE, Panjim, GOA 6 – 8 February 2013
In order to conserve our mother earth and our natural resources, there is a worldwide awareness that we should adapt a new lifestyle - “Natural”.. Indians were pioneers in this philosophy and they had the knowledge of maintaining the body, soul and mind by adopting certain disciplines and making use of the extracts of available natural resources. For their perfect body, they practised Yoga and for their healthy mind, they practised ‘Pranayam’ and meditated for their soul. They treated ailment and chronic diseases with herbal extracts obtained from medicinal plants. It would be our endeavor to encompass all these knowledge and techniques in different pavilions, viz. i) Ayurveda, Yoga & Meditation ii) Sugandhi iii) Organic Food Court, iv) Organic Pesticides & Fertilizers and iv) Lifestyle.
Ayurveda, Yoga & Meditation Pavillion - This would include not only manufacturers of Ayurvedic Medicines, but also suppliers of raw materials along with demonstrations of Panchakarma by KAIRALI.
Sugandhi Pavillion This would include manufacturers of Essential Oils, Perfumes and raw material suppliers. There would be a live demonstration for different massages and how to treat common ailments with Aroma therapy.
Herbal Cosmetics & SPA Pavillion This would include manufacturers of Herbal Cosmetics and raw material suppliers.
Organic Food Pavillion In this pavilion, Chefs of different Organic Five Star Hotels will be invited who would give demonstration and teach how to prepare Organic Foods.
Organic Pesticides & Fertilizers Pavillion This will also include different houslehold medicinal and aromatic plants. There would be demonstrations for farmers as to how to cultivate all these different medicinal & Aromatic plants and usage/advantage of organic fertilizers for the same.
Lifestyle Pavillion This Pavilion is of Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) displaying Khadi, cotton & silk. An added attraction will be a Fashion Show of Khadi and Cottons & Silk.