History 171D The United States and the World Since 1945
The End of the Cold War
Debate: The End of the Cold War Thursday, May 22 Resolved: “More than any other leader, Ronald Reagan deserves the credit for ensuring a Western victory in the Cold War.”
Iran/contra Affair
December 1987—Gorbachev came to Washington and signed Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Reagan
November 1988— Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected president
Upon taking office, slowed down pace of rapprochement with Soviet Union
But Gorbachev forged ahead to end Cold War
1989—Gorbachev withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan
Afghan Mujahidin
Stinger missiles
Stunning events in Eastern Europe in 1989
Pattern 1: Electoral Change Poland Hungary
Pattern 1: Electoral Change In Poland and Hungary, noncommunist parties prevailed in free elections Poland Hungary
Pattern 1: Electoral Change In Poland and Hungary, noncommunist parties prevailed in free elections Lech Walesa of Poland
Pattern 2: Massive Street Protests In East Germany, after escalating protests, hard-line communist leader Erich Honecker stepped down in favor of Egon Krenz, who promised reforms Honecker Krenz
Pattern 2: Massive Street Protests In Berlin, after initial attempt to maintain status quo, East German government removed barrier between East and West—Berlin Wall came down
Pattern 2: Massive Street Protests In Czechoslovakia, peaceful demonstrations (“Velvet Revolution”) convinced communist government to resign
Pattern 2: Massive Street Protests In Czechoslovakia, peaceful demonstrations (“Velvet Revolution”) convinced communist government to resign
Pattern 3: Violent Revolt In Romania, hard-line dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was forcefully overthrown and executed Nicolae Ceausecu
Meanwhile, Soviet Union faced severe economic conditions; Gorbachev’s reforms allowed citizens freedom to examine and discuss economic problems, but couldn’t solve those problems
July 1991—US and Soviet Union signed Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) agreement: each side limited to 6,000 strategic warheads
Boris Yeltsin
December 1991—Yeltsin met with leaders of Ukraine and Belarus and formed Commonwealth of Independent States, effectively abolishing Soviet Union
Debate: The End of the Cold War Thursday, May 22 Resolved: “More than any other leader, Ronald Reagan deserves the credit for ensuring a Western victory in the Cold War.”