ca B.C.E. Birth of Abraham
Work with a partner for TWO minutes to complete the question guide 50
Jesus born during the reign of Augustus Province of Judea
Judea under the Romans Hellenize Jerusalem 70 CE Resistance to Hellenization
Diaspora Arch of Titus
Appealed to the poor It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to go to heaven The first shall be last and the last shall be first Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth The golden rule Son of a carpenter
Arrested Tried Executed The son of God Savior Messiah New Kingdom Growth of Christianity 1.Roman treatment of Jews 2.Paul the Apostle 3.A common language (Latin) 4.Empire in decline 5.Emperor Constantine Despite persecutions of Christians
Watch the first 50 seconds of the film on religions of the world Map the spread of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity Make sure you use dates! Watch the first 50 seconds of the film on religions of the world Map the spread of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Christianity Make sure you use dates!