Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer can have a positive impact in environmental issues Environmental Legislation and Regulations Ecolabel -EU voluntary scheme -Started in Aim is for manufacturers to label products which have a reduced impact in environment during it life-cycle Packaging Directive -EU scheme -Started in 1994, altered in Aim was to set targets for reduction of packaging waste -This encourages reduce, reuse and recycle -It also targets the use of toxic materials in packaging -Target set was to reduce 60% and recycle 55% of packaging waste by 2008
Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer can have a positive impact in environmental issues Energy Labelling Directive -EU scheme -Started in Aim was for all electrical appliances to have a energy use rating (A++, A+, A, B, C etc) End-of-Life Vehicle Directive -Started in Aim was to encourage the recycling and reuse of cars and car parts -Also restrictions were introduction to limit use of toxic metals in car End-of-Life Vehicle Directive -EU Directive -Started in Aim was to ban the use of hazardous materials/chemicals in electrical equipment -This included to use of lead, mercury and cadmium -It had public health benefits are was as environmental
Learning Objectives - To understand the different legislation and regulations that have be created to reduce environmental issues - To understand how designer can have a positive impact in environmental issues Sustainable and green design Green Design -This is an approach to design which has a reduced impact on the environment -It considers the use of materials/resources through recycling and reduction -Green packaging considers reducing the amount of materials to store a product -Kenco Packaging Eco-design -This is when designers and manufacturers try and reduce the impact of a products entire life cycle -This start at the use of raw materials and ends with the consideration of how the product will be disposed of Sustainable Design -This is design which not only considers environmental impact but also the impact of a product on social and moral issues -Initiative's like Fair Trade are a good indicator of the success and impact of sustainable design -Sustainable innovation is an alterative approach to design problems often considering existing products and services as a solution to a problem TASK – Ecodesign ideas for making a TV a ‘greener’ product
Prep Elliot – Compact Fluorescent light bulbs Luke – Electrodeless indication lamps Sam – Light-emitting diodes Lyam – Green/Eco design in cars Alex S – Electric cars Alex R - Hybrid cars Connor – Hydrogen fuel cell Anish – Bio diesel Jack – Bio power