Take a worksheet. Get into pairs. When ready, I will select somewhere for your pair to sit.
How this will work Every Friday, I will take your lesson. Initially, we will focus on key areas in Biology that you need additional revision on. After your mock examination, I will take either a chemistry or physics lesson (probably chemistry to be honest but we will see) The goal is obviously to get you ready for the summer examinations so I will do what I can to help, but it has to come from you also.
Task Look at the specification for the Biology examination. Read each statement carefully. If you feel confident about this area of biology, colour in green. Partially confident colour in orange. Not confident at all needs to be coloured in red. Put a key on this sheet. Use your exercise book and textbook to provide an overview of the areas if you just need a quick refreshment. If you finish this early, choose one of the red areas and answer the summary questions in the textbook for that page.