Generator Services planning meeting Witek Pokorski 30.11.2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Generator Services planning meeting Witek Pokorski

Outline Introduction Progress report Planning for the next 6 months Summary

Introduction Previous (second) Generator Services planning meeting on the 25th May 2007  slides and minutes available from Regular monthly meetings with technical presentations  well attended, productive discussions Purpose of the present meeting  to review the progress since last meeting  to plan the work for next 6 months

Work-packages generator libraries repository [GENSER] testing and validation of generators [VALIDATION] first level support [SUPPORT] event record and particle properties [HEPMC] event database [MCDB]

Highlights of last meeting new structure of GENSER deployed and used by experiments  no changes suggested plan to further extend the testing  distribution tests/validation suggested by LHCb plan to collaborate with Rivet/CEDAR for validation experiments moving to HepMC 2 MCDB - maintenance only

Progress report GENSER  structure stable and used by experiments  22 generators installed 5 new added on request of experiments since the last review  Cascade, Charybdis, Isajet, Phojet, Winhac 2 more to be installed  POWHEG  first few generators build on Windows Pythia6, LHAPDF, Photos more requested will need to be automatised  dedicated person will come in March 2008

Progress report Validation  all generators tested (at least one test per generator)  all tests requested by experiments (LHCb) implemented b-bbar cross sections, mutliplicities, etc  new tests with distributions plotted Pt, Eta distributions results presented on web page comparison between different versions of generators (Pythia6)  first physics validation implemented using Rivet Pythia6 vs D0 Run I, W production differential  fruitful collaboration with Rivet/CEDAR

Progress report regular releases of HepMC 2 new features include: number of multi-parton interactions stored in GenEvent, pointers to beam particles added, reproducibility of ordering of particles solved  work done on adapting HepMC for ROOT I/O std::set replaced by std::vector  ATLAS and LHCb moving to HepMC2  CMS has already moved HepPDT  simple (text) particle table introduced MCDB  started integration in CMSSW

Milestones overview GENSER_101/12/2007include new versions of supported generators GENSER_201/09/2007provide windows binaries for main generator(s) GENSER_301/09/2007study possible integration of VALIDATION_101/08/2007implement tests requested by LHCb VALIDATION_201/11/2007 implement tests dedicated to CMS and ATLAS validation VALIDATION_301/09/2007 provide web interface to distributions/histograms from the tests VALIDATION_401/10/2007get Rivet running within GENSER HEPMC_101/09/2007complete HepMC2 testing with ROOT I/O HEPMC_201/12/2007move to HepMC2 (ATLAS and LHCb) DONE ONGOING waiting for input

Manpower overview satisfactory number of FTE  ~1.5 FTE for GENSER, ~0.5FTE for MCDB unsatisfactory rotation of people  1 out of 3 original GENSER integrators available  4 new integrators delays due to learning phases non regular visits  contribution of some integrators limited to only one visit  inefficient investment of effort long term plan of regular visits should be put in place W.P. will leave the project end of January 2008  new project leader will need to be appointed

Proposed plans GENSER  continuation of the same service Validation  implementation of new tests from experiments (ATLAS ?, CMS ?)  collaboration with Rivet/CEDAR implementation of new Rivet-based physics validations HepMC  complete migration to HepMC by LHC experiments MCDB  complete integration in CMSSW

Proposed milestones GENSER_101/06/2008include new versions of supported generators GENSER_201/03/2008include POWHEG and VALIDATION_101/03/2008 get input from ATLAS and CMS for new tests and implement them VALIDATION_201/06/2008extend Rivet validation to new C++ generators HEPMC_101/03/2008complete migration to HepMC2 MCDB_101/06/2008integrate MCDB in CMSSW

Summary project running according to the plan  GENSER stable  validation extended  regular technical meetings more physics validation proposed  collaboration with Rivet next planning meeting May/June 2008  new project leader before end of January 2008