Aims of the project: To find out about the local Cambrian Football club and how Clydach Vale has changed since it has been formed. To give the children a broader knowledge of their community. Objectives: To develop a range of key skills including literacy, numeracy and ICT through historical enquiry. To develop historical skills and become ‘history detectives’. To develop a knowledge and understanding of events in Clydach Vale and its surrounding area, and how these events had an effect locally, nationally and globally. To make interpretations of the past and share these with the wider community. Expected Outcomes: To develop greater interest in our heritage as a community. To communicate knowledge, understanding and interpretations to a wider audience – local, national and global.
For the project we collected what information we knew about the football club and set out questions that we would like to find out. We then interviewed Lyndon Norris and Keith Jenkins from the club to find out more. They brought in programs and trophies for us too look at. We visited the grounds where Phil Williams showed us around and discussed the facilities. We looked at maps of the area from just before the club was formed in the mid 1960’s and compared them with digital satellite images from today. We looked at how the village has changed since then. The class had been studying World War 2 and we looked at evacuees that were sent to Clydach Vale. One evacuee was Terry Venables, who is a chairman of the club. We researched him and his achievements and wrote letters to him to find out what he thought of our community. We then used all of the information that we had collected to complete booklets about the club. What we did::
The skills we have used: Key Skills Thinking: Plan: Ask relevant questions and begin to link questions into sequences. Gathering information: Suggest how to find relevant information and ideas. Communication: Oracy: Communicate clearly and confidently in a way that suits the subject. Reading: Use different reading strategies. Writing: Plan, organise and present ideas. Represent and respond to information in different forms. ICT Find relevant information from a variety of sources.
History Skills Can recognise that a range of historical source material can be used during an investigation. Can prepare information in written form with adult support which presents information clearly. Can recognise changes in the lives of adults around them after interview. Begins to give reasons why people did things. Begin to set out a series of questions, which will help the enquiry.