MY STORY I first started skating when I was 5 and a half and to begin with I went to a club just for a fun skate with my friend. I instantly got hooked so I started getting lesson and a year after I competed in my first competition and championships. Around about 9 months later the club closed down so I had to find anther club. Every weekend and Mondays and Thursdays we would travel for 1 hr to go skating. After 3 months I competed in my second championships. Then after that I had to switch to jumping and spinning right handed way which delayed me but after 6 months I won my first ever championship not one nor two but i won all 3 championships British champion for figures free and combine. I was astonished and so proud of myself. I worked super hard the rest of that year and at every competition I won gold for every event! Then 2 years later I won again but only for figures and combine. A year later I had to move clubs again but this time it was because I wasn’t getting enough training and now I skate in Great Yarmouth which is and hour and a half away.
CONTINUE STORY To this very day I have now competed in competitions in Italy,France and also Holland. I got third in Holland, 6 th in Italy and in the top 20 out of around about 40 in France.In a months time I will be skating in paris.It is a very expensive trip (£1200) My medal count is currently at 42 and my trophies are at 33!
To conclude to this powerpoint, I hope that you are willing to help me on this journey as I said earlier it is very expensive.I would like to thank you for considering to be my sponsor! Chantel Lyon