人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 4. Integrating Skills Wildlife And Garden Roses.


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Presentation transcript:

人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 4

Integrating Skills Wildlife And Garden Roses

Charles Darwin ( ) Do you know them?

Darwin’s observations on his five-year voyage around the world led him to write his famous book On the Origin of Species

Gregor Mendel ( )

Lead-in 1. Who is the text about? 2. What did they do? The text is about three important scientists: Darwin, Mendel and Turesson. They did a lot of research and experiment.

Skimming 1. Main ideas for each part : Part I (Paragraphs 1-3): Part II (Paragraphs 4-5): 1. Main ideas for each part : Part I (Paragraphs 1-3): Part II (Paragraphs 4-5): Darwin and his research. Mendel and his experiment.

Part III (Paragraph 6): Part IV (Paragraph 7): Part III (Paragraph 6): Part IV (Paragraph 7): Turesson and his study. The importance and significance of the research of the three.

ScientistResearch/ experiment Result(s) Charles Darwin The wildlife of Galapagos; many varieties of garden roses There were differences between the species of the different islands; yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America; There were differences between the species of the different islands; yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America;

ScientistResearch /experiment Result(s) Charles Darwin The wildlife of Galapagos; many varieties of garden roses differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

Gregor Mendel Gregor Mendel Flowers and peas Flowers and peas Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics. Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics.

G Ö te Turesson G Ö te Turesson A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat. Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat.

Scanning 1.(1) What did Darwin discover about bird species in Galapagos? 1.(1) What did Darwin discover about bird species in Galapagos? Darwin found 13 kinds of finches, related to each other in the structure of their beaks, tails, shape of body and colors of their feathers. The most curious fact was the differences in the size of the beaks.

(2) What did Mendel observe in his experiments with peas? (2) What did Mendel observe in his experiments with peas? In his experiments with peas, Mendel observed that many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment.

(3) Looking at wild plant species in Sweden, what did Turesson discover? (3) Looking at wild plant species in Sweden, what did Turesson discover? Looking at wild plant species in Sweden, Turesson discovered that plants changed their appearance and adapted to the new environment if they were moved to the other type of habitat.

(4) What were Darwin’s discoveries based on? (4) What were Darwin’s discoveries based on? Darwin’s discoveries were based on his observation in Galapagos.

2. Why are Turesson’s discoveries still important to agriculture then? Because different soil conditions lead to different output of crops. That is, the soil conditions will greatly influence the growth and output of the crops. 2. Why are Turesson’s discoveries still important to agriculture then? Because different soil conditions lead to different output of crops. That is, the soil conditions will greatly influence the growth and output of the crops.

1. nowhere adv./ n. 任何地方都不,无处,不知名的地方 I went nowhere this afternoon. The key was nowhere to be found. 那把钥匙到处找都找不到。 Those children had nowhere to play. Language Points

2. do whatever he liked 做他喜欢做的事 3. at the age of 22 在 22 岁时 4. be separated from 被分离开来 They were separated from each other for 80 years.

5. be related to 与 …… 有关 They are related to each other in the structure of their beaks, tails, shape of body and colour of their feathers. 它们的喙、尾翼、体形以及羽毛的 颜色都有关系。 6. pass on from one generation to the next 一代一代传递下来

7. give birth to 产生, 生育 ; 引起 His research gave birth to the science of genetics. 他的研究导致了遗传学的产生。 8. adapt to 适应 They changed their appearance and adapted to the new environment. 他们改变了自己的外部特征并且适应了新 的环境。

9. be of equal importance to sth. 对 …… 具有同样的重要性 10.distinguish vt./ vi. 区别, 辨别, 使杰出, 使著名, 使有别于 1) distinguish (between) I couldn’t distinguish (between) the twin brothers. distinguish A from B =differ / tell A from B 使 A 有别于 B

Speech distinguishes man from animals. 言语使人区别于动物。 Elephants are distinguished by their long noses / trunks. 象因为有长鼻子而有别于其他动物。 They have distinguished themselves as dedicated social workers. 他们作为全心全意的社会工作者而出人头 地。

2) distinguished adj. 著名的, 显眼的 a distinguished scholar 著名的学者 He is distinguished for his knowledge of science. 11.in detail=at length 详细地 She explained her proposal in detail. 12. procedure n. ( 尤指工商、法律、政治等事务的 ) 程序

Stop arguing about (questions of ) procedure and let’s get down to business. 别再为程序 ( 问题 ) 争辩了,咱们着手议 正事吧。 procedure (for sth.) 手续 ; 步骤 What’s the procedure for opening a bank account ? 在银行开个账户要办什么手续?

Practice 1. Darwin’s _____________ on that voyage led him to write his famous book On the Origin of Species. 1. Darwin’s _____________ on that voyage led him to write his famous book On the Origin of Species. observations 2. Back home, in England, Darwin _______ that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds _________ in plants. 2. Back home, in England, Darwin _______ that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds _________ in plants. realized as well as

3. ___________ of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that the __________ of the environment was behind the development of new species. 3. ___________ of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that the __________ of the environment was behind the development of new species. As a result influence

4. It would take a next __________ of scientists to ______ the importance of the environment on species back in view. 4. It would take a next __________ of scientists to ______ the importance of the environment on species back in view. generation bring 5. Turesson found ___________ the existence of ______________ within species in nature. 5. Turesson found ___________ the existence of ______________ within species in nature. evidence for stable varieties

6. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that both _______ and the ____________ are important to plants. 6. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that both _______ and the ____________ are important to plants. genetics environment

Homework Make some observations of the plants somewhere in the wild areas as required in the textbook, but make sure you are in a safe distance. Make notes of your impressions of the plants. Make some observations of the plants somewhere in the wild areas as required in the textbook, but make sure you are in a safe distance. Make notes of your impressions of the plants.

For this task, you can work in groups or pairs in a corporative way, and you must think of ways to describe what you have seen or done. For this task, you can work in groups or pairs in a corporative way, and you must think of ways to describe what you have seen or done.