Interest Approach Provide students with a copy of a news article discussing groundwater contamination. Have the students read the article and begin discussing the cause of the contamination. Lead the students’ discussion to the point that pesticides are a needed tool used in production agriculture. Inform them that the tools must be used properly so that any negative environmental impact is minimized.
Managing Environmental Impact of Pesticides
Student Learning Objectives Identify the environmental concerns involved with pesticide use. Assess pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment. Explain proper disposal of surplus pesticides and empty containers.
What are the main environmental concerns involved with pesticide use? Environmental quality is a popular topic and a serious concern. Pesticides are considered a major problem when environmental health is discussed. There are a number of situations when pesticides become an environmental problem.
What are the main environmental concerns involved with pesticide use? A nontarget area is an area in which the pesticide was not intended, which is most often a result of drift. Drift is the movement of a pesticide through the air to areas other than the intended application area.
What are the main environmental concerns involved with pesticide use? Surface runoff is water from precipitation that does not soak into the soil. Leaching is the movement of pesticides in a soil solution through or out of the soil. –Leaching most often contaminates the groundwater supply.
What are the main environmental concerns involved with pesticide use? Another situation is when pesticides used are not readily biodegradable and accumulate in groundwater, plants, or animals. Biodegradable means a substance is broken down or decomposed by biological action. Pesticides that have these characteristics should be avoided if possible.
What are the main environmental concerns involved with pesticide use? A third situation that is cause for alarm is the careless disposal of surplus chemicals or empty containers. This situation is one of the most destructive and one of the easiest to solve. It is the applicator’s responsibility to make sure that any extra pesticide and containers are properly disposed of by following local guidelines.
What is pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment? One factor that should be considered in pesticide selection is pesticide persistence. Pesticide persistence indicates the amount of time it takes for a pesticide to biodegrade or break down. The more persistent a pesticide, the more likely it is to reach the groundwater supply.
What is pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment? Rapid decomposers are pesticides that break down quickly and remain on the target area or in the environment only a short time before being changed into harmless products. –They have little, if any, adverse effect on the environment when used properly. –This type of pesticide should be the producer’s first option for pest control.
What is pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment? Accumulative pesticides can build up or accumulate in the bodies of animals and humans. –Potentially, they may build up to levels that may be harmful to individual organisms or to the consumer of the organism.
What is pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment? Persistent pesticides are those that break down slowly. –Persistency is often a desirable characteristic for long-term control of pests. –They do not react readily with sunlight, oxygen, or heat. –Soil microorganisms don’t easily break them down. –They are usually slightly water-soluble. –They do not always accumulate. –Some chemicals will remain in the soil but do not seem to build up in the bodies of animals.
What is the proper disposal procedure of surplus pesticides and empty containers? Correct and prompt disposal of empty containers and waste pesticides is a must for all chemical users. Federal regulations make it illegal to store or dispose of pesticides by means that are likely to cause adverse effects on human health and on the environment.
What is the proper disposal procedure of surplus pesticides and empty containers? It is best to avoid an inventory of unnecessary pesticides that require disposal. If you must dispose of some pesticide, follow recommended procedures according to the amount. 1. Small amounts of surplus pesticides, those not exceeding normal household quantities that cannot be used or returned to the manufacturer, can be buried in state-approved landfills in some states. –Check local regulations. –These landfills cannot be used, however, for disposal of large quantities of surplus pesticides.
What is the proper disposal procedure of surplus pesticides and empty containers? 2. Larger amounts of pesticides are considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of in sites that are properly licensed by the state to accept hazardous wastes.
What is the proper disposal procedure of surplus pesticides and empty containers? Proper container rinsing minimizes health and environmental hazards, makes container disposal easier, and is required by law. The National Agricultural Chemicals Association has recommended a rinsing procedure to reduce the hazard of empty pesticide containers.
What is the proper disposal procedure of surplus pesticides and empty containers? This procedure is based on the triple- rinse method and is as follows: 1. Drain the container into the spray tank. Hold the container in a vertical position for at least 30 seconds. 2. Add water until the container is about 1/4 full. Close the container. 3. Shake or roll the container to rinse all interior areas; drain the remaining liquid or rinsate into the spray tank.
What is the proper disposal procedure of surplus pesticides and empty containers? 4. Repeat the rinse and drain procedure two more times. 5. Puncture plastic or metal triple-rinsed containers to prevent reuse. 6. Crush the container to reduce volume.
Review/Summary What is the proper disposal procedure of surplus pesticides and empty containers? What are the main environmental concerns involved with pesticide use? What is pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment?