An Examination of Literature Searching Methodologies in Crop-Related Meta-Analyses Brad Brazzeal Agriculture & Forest Resources Librarian Mississippi State University
What is a meta-analysis? “… the statistical analysis of the results of multiple independent studies, usually from the published and/or gray literature, to estimate the magnitude, consistency, homogeneity of an effect of interest” (Sherm et al., 2014)
Importance of meta-analysis in agricultural research “Meta-analysis would make it possible to quantify variations of cropping system performances in interaction with soil and climate conditions more accurately across environments and socio-economic contexts” (Dore et al., 2011)
Providing literature search details is vital Philibert et al. (2012) emphasize the need for … “Correct description of the bibliographic search procedures used by the authors to select individual studies …” “Listing of the references of the selected individual studies used in the meta-analysis” Koricheva and Gurevitch (2014) expand on Philbert’s first point … “Are details of full bibliographic search (electronic data bases [sic] used, keyword combinations, years) reported in sufficient detail to allow replication?”
Questions addressed in this study Which databases are used when finding studies to include? Is enough information given for others to replicate the searches? Are non-journal articles typically included? Are clear lists of included studies provided?
Methods Used the following search string in CAB Abstracts ( "crop production" OR "crop yield" OR "crop management" OR "cropping systems" ) AND "meta- analysis" NOT ( QTL OR "quantitative trait loci" ) Limited to academic journal articles in English published from
Methods (contd.) Excluded articles that were (1) not a meta-anlaysis, (2) not based on publications, or (3) that just used previous publications from the authors Each was evaluated for the following: Databases authors used to find studies to include Details of search strategy Inclusion of non-journal publications Presence of a clear listing of studies included
Results 117 articles from 57 journals met the criteria All but 4 were from JCR journals 19 results from Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Databases Used Database NameStudies that Used It Science Citation Index / Web of Science / Web of Knowledge 61% Google Scholar22% China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) / China Journal Net (CJN) 10% Scopus8% ScienceDirect7% CAB Abstracts5% Other sources mentioned 2 or 3 times: Agricola, AgEcon Search, FAO, JSTOR, RePEc, Springer
Databases Used (contd.) Other sources mentioned 2 or 3 times: Agricola, AgEcon Search, FAO, JSTOR, RePEc, Springer 25% also searched reference lists to find studies 25% gave no indication of databases searched
Details of search strategy ItemStudies Search terms complete enough to replicate34% Date of search / range of years given56% Both of the above26%* * By comparison, 22% of meta-analyses met the “repeatable procedure” criterion in Philibert et al. (2012), and 32% of meta- analyses that gave “complete details of bibliographic searches in Koricheva and Gurevitch (2014).
Inclusion of non-journal publications Included Non-Journal Pubs?Studies Yes62% No13% Unclear26%
Clear listing of studies included 90% of the meta-analyses included a list of studies Comparable to the 92% of meta-analysis that met the “references” criterion in Philibert et al. (2012)
Conclusion Many crop-related meta-analyses do not provide sufficient information to replicate searches. Researchers wishing to conduct a meta-analysis could benefit from the expertise of librarians.
References Doré, T., Makowski, D., Malézieux, E., Munier-Jolain, N., Tchamitchian, M., & Tittonell, P. (2011). Facing up to the paradigm of ecological intensification in agronomy: Revisiting methods, concepts and knowledge. European Journal of Agronomy, 34(4), Koricheva, J., & Gurevitch, J. (2014). Use and misuses of meta-analysis in plant ecology. Journal of Ecology 102: Philibert, A., Loyce, C., & Makowski, D. (2012). Assessment of the quality of meta- analysis in agronomy. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 148, Scherm, H., Thomas, C. S., Garrett, K. A., & Olsen, J. M. (2014). Meta-analysis and other approaches for synthesizing structured and unstructured data in plant pathology. Annual Review of Phytopathology 52: