10/29/15 – QUICK WRITE What does it mean to be “civilized”? Who decides? Are all humans civilized?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.19 Writers don’t tell readers everything explicitly (straight out; clearly and obviously). Mostly, they imply aspects of character, theme, and plot. Readers draw inferences from these hints and implications. RQ : What can you infer about Ship- Trap Island? And Rainsford?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.20 Suspense: the intense feeling that an audience goes through while waiting for the outcome of certain events; it leaves the reader holding his/her breath and wanting more information. RQ: How does the gunshot create suspense? What about it makes you want to continue reading?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.21 Foreshadowing: the use of indicative words, phrases, or hints that set the stage for a story to unfold and give the reader an idea of something that is going to happen without revealing the story or spoiling the suspense. RQ: What could the photo possibly be foreshadowing? RQ: Use context clues to define the word “crag.”
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.22 Conflict: a problem that the main character is confronted with. Suspense is built from the readers desire to want to know the outcome of a conflict. RQ: Describe the conflict facing Rainsford since falling overboard. RQ: What details make you want to read on? RQ: What educated guesses can you make about the occupant(s) of the house?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.23 RQ : Use context clues to determine the meaning of “discern.”
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.24 RQ: What is your impression of General Zaroff? Can he be trusted? RQ: What seems strange or unusual about the general? What questions about him would you like to have answered? Do these questions add to to story’s suspense?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.25 By hinting at information or only disclosing a portion of the full picture, an author can generate suspense. RQ: How does the discussion about the biggest game create suspense?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.26 RQ: What do you think Zaroff is going to identify as “the most dangerous game”?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.27 To compare means finding common characteristics; to contrast means finding unique, separate characteristics that shows a difference between two things. RQ: Compare and contrast Zaroff’s speech to the one Rainsford made to Whitney at the top of page 20.
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.28 RQ: Evaluate (assess; form an idea about) Zaroff’s assertion (emphatic declaration) that what he does is a game. If so, how is it like a game? If not, why is it different?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.30 RQ: What is the source of the conflict between Zaroff and Rainsford? Can it be resolved? RQ: How does this conflict between the two men escalate (make more intense; increase rapidly) the suspense?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.32 Mood : the mental and emotional disposition of the author towards the subject, which in turn lends a particular character or atmosphere to the work; i.e., how it makes YOU feel. RQ: What is the mood of the second paragraph? What words and phrases help create this mood? RQ: How are the conflict and suspense intensified at the end of the page (final four paragraphs)?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.34 RQ: Has the story reached its climax? How do you know?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.35 RQ: Contrast Rainsford’s present feelings about animals at bay to his earlier statement to Whitney about jaguars. What has changed Rainsford’s attitude? RQ: How does the peaceful scene created in the final two paragraphs add to the suspense?
“THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME” P.36 RQ: What happens at the end of the story? RQ: Why does Rainsford say, “I am still a beast at bay”?