Hand Hygiene Compliance Program Details FY14 Quality Goal
iScrub Instructions Free app for Apple products Note: Does not require internet/phone connectivity to make and save observations Internet/phone connectivity is only required for ing the data
iScrub: Hand Hygiene Compliance Observations
Choose Your Location -OR- Edit Locations to add Location names
Select Your Job Role -OR- Edit Job Role to add Job Role names
Select Observation Type: In Room / Out of Room, by touching + sign
Select Activity Type: No, Wash, Rub * Ignore the contact, droplet, and airborne options Slide to Confirm Observation and return to the Main Menu
Observations when completed with set (minimum of 5) of observations
Press Send *Type your name and Job Role in the text field before sending (to get credit for your observations) to:
Paper Form for Data Collection
Instructions for Completing Paper Form Please complete at least 5 observations in a single location. In each row, circle one selection in each column. All staff must clean hands immediately before or upon entering and exiting a patient’s room or bedspace. An observation of staff who clean hands as they exit one room and enter the next room should be included as only one observation of compliance (either in or out of the room). Do not include the name of the person being observed on this checklist. Please include students/trainees in the occupational group that they are in training for.
Paper Form Data Submission Hand Hygiene champions will designate collection location for paper forms (e.g., unit bulletin board) Hand Hygiene champions will submit paper data via online survey tool at least monthly Survey links: SurveyID=m8MJ58mM Single location data SurveyID=m8MJ58mM ?SurveyID=8lMK7nm3 Multiple location datahttps://survey.unch.unc.edu/TakeSurvey.aspx ?SurveyID=8lMK7nm3
Minimum Requirements for Unit-Based Bulletin Boards
Additional Details, Graphics, Instructions, etc. are encouraged!
Real-time Compliance Graph All observers making at least 5 observations in a single location – Track their compliance percentage and date on the graph Bulletin board with graph should be in a central location, visible to all staff Hand hygiene champions should monitor graph for replacement as needed.