Welcome to Computer Class!! I teach a few different computer courses and these rules apply to each of them.
All about me! I have been teaching for 8 years. I have been teaching for 8 years. I have a wonderful husband named Jeff. I have a wonderful husband named Jeff. I teach college courses at night at Davenport University and for University of Phoenix.. I teach college courses at night at Davenport University and for University of Phoenix.. I have a large family!! I have a large family!!
My family!!! I have 5 kids total – 2 of my own, and 3 steps. I have 5 kids total – 2 of my own, and 3 steps. My oldest son is 18 and will be leaving for the Navy soon. My oldest son is 18 and will be leaving for the Navy soon. I have a 12 year old that attends Gerisch Middle School. I have a 12 year old that attends Gerisch Middle School. My step children go to school in Dearborn. My step children go to school in Dearborn.
For fun… I like to camp and vacation. I like to camp and vacation. I like to go on cruises… I am going on one in December! I like to go on cruises… I am going on one in December! I am addicted to Facebook. I am addicted to Facebook. I like to go to the movies and try to see a new movie at least once a week! I like to go to the movies and try to see a new movie at least once a week!
Pets I have a couple of dogs… I have a couple of dogs… Smidge is a Lhasa Poo Smidge is a Lhasa Poo Duke is a Schnoodle Duke is a Schnoodle We had a Gecko names Mike but he just died. He liked to go on walks on the kids’ ears. We had a Gecko names Mike but he just died. He liked to go on walks on the kids’ ears.
Now for the best part…. Class rules…
Respect and Responsibility DMS has school policies regarding behavior. DMS has school policies regarding behavior. I also have policies in my classroom regarding behavior I also have policies in my classroom regarding behavior –Do not touch anything of anyone’s w/o asking. –Use appropriate language. –Come to class on time!! –Listen when I speak – no talking when I am. –Hands off the mice when I am talking. –Sit in assigned seats –No food or beverage –No personal grooming at the tables. –Be in your seat when the bell goes off.
Hall Passes I don’t like to write them – but will do maximum of 2 per quarter! I don’t like to write them – but will do maximum of 2 per quarter! Use the bathroom in here. Use the bathroom in here. Get a drink before you come to class. Get a drink before you come to class. Don’t ever leave without getting permission from me, or I will report it to the office as skipping and you will not be allowed back in until I speak to your parents! Don’t ever leave without getting permission from me, or I will report it to the office as skipping and you will not be allowed back in until I speak to your parents! I want to spend as much time with you as possible! I want to spend as much time with you as possible!
Language and Behavior I expect proper language and behavior. I expect proper language and behavior. I won’t swear in class – so you don’t swear in class!! I won’t swear in class – so you don’t swear in class!! I get paid the same, no matter how many kids I have in class, so if you act up, you will go to the office! It makes my job easier! I get paid the same, no matter how many kids I have in class, so if you act up, you will go to the office! It makes my job easier! I love making examples of kids, so don’t test me. I love making examples of kids, so don’t test me.
Music, Electronics, Sleeping, etc. If I see a cell phone, it is mine until June. If I see a cell phone, it is mine until June. –Do not pull it out for any reason. Music – I am OK with it, if you wear headphones. Music – I am OK with it, if you wear headphones. –I have a class set of headphones, but if you break them – you buy them. –No sounds without headphones, or you lose privileges for a month. 1 st warning- it’s just you… 2 nd warning – it’s the class. –So, tell your neighbors to keep the sound down!
Attendance 3 tardies is an absence. 3 tardies is an absence. 3 tardies is also a lunchtime detention in my room cleaning computers. 3 tardies is also a lunchtime detention in my room cleaning computers. If you are late, wait outside my door until I let you in! Do not disrupt us! If you are late, wait outside my door until I let you in! Do not disrupt us!
E-Campus and missing assignments We use it! We use it! Your assignments will almost always be on eCampus for the week. Your assignments will almost always be on eCampus for the week. If you are unsure what to do, check there. If you are unsure what to do, check there. If you have any missing assignments, you can not use the computer for free time until that is done. If you have any missing assignments, you can not use the computer for free time until that is done. If you have less than a 70% in class, no computer privileges! If you have less than a 70% in class, no computer privileges!
Honor Code Do not cheat! I will catch you. Do not cheat! I will catch you. Cheating to me, means that you have not done the work yourself. Cheating to me, means that you have not done the work yourself. All work must be saved on your own computer. All work must be saved on your own computer.
Classroom website!! Learn it!! We will be making your home page my class website. We will be making your home page my class website. teschools.com/web/ ?otter teschools.com/web/ ?otter teschools.com/web/ ?otter teschools.com/web/ ?otter On my website will be… On my website will be… –Daily work –Warm ups –Pictures –Links –Etc.
Check your equipment!! You have 5 minutes at the start of class to check your gear! You have 5 minutes at the start of class to check your gear! Our computers are NEW and I will be checking each hour for damage. You will be charged with Malicious Destruction of Property if you destroy something on purpose. Our computers are NEW and I will be checking each hour for damage. You will be charged with Malicious Destruction of Property if you destroy something on purpose. Make sure everything is working! Make sure everything is working! Double check that it’s all there! Double check that it’s all there! Make sure it’s plugged in. Make sure it’s plugged in. If anything is broken or damaged see me within the first 5 minutes or YOU WILL BE CHARGED. If anything is broken or damaged see me within the first 5 minutes or YOU WILL BE CHARGED. The tech department charges $80.00 per hour to fix broken equipment! The tech department charges $80.00 per hour to fix broken equipment!
Safety in the classroom Be mature! Be mature! No food or beverage No food or beverage Do not touch anyone’s stuff! Do not touch anyone’s stuff! No running or horseplay No running or horseplay Don’t go behind my desk Don’t go behind my desk Web based games only – and only if you are done with work and have good grades in ALL of your classes. Web based games only – and only if you are done with work and have good grades in ALL of your classes.
Most Importantly!!!!!!!!!!!! I want you to have freedom in the classroom. But, in order to do so, you must be mature enough to realize you are not allowed to go to “bad” websites. Don’t type in bad names in google… don’t “peek” even for a second! It is all recorded!
The good and the bad… Even though we do our very best to protect you from going to bad websites… Even though we do our very best to protect you from going to bad websites… Some of you will still go… Some of you will still go… And if you do… there are consequences And if you do… there are consequences You will not have the privilege of using the computers for 1 week. You will not have the privilege of using the computers for 1 week. A month for the second offense. A month for the second offense. If you accidentally go to a bad website… Let me know! I will protect you! But… only if it was an accident. If you accidentally go to a bad website… Let me know! I will protect you! But… only if it was an accident.
And never ever ever ever ever… Chew gum in my classroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a serious offense! We have carpet and I do not want gum under the tables or on the carpet! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! There are huge consequences if I see you with GUM.
Lunchtime Help I allow 10 students a day to stay in class during lunchtime to catch up, or do other work. I allow 10 students a day to stay in class during lunchtime to catch up, or do other work. You must see me before 3rd hour for a pass. You must see me before 3rd hour for a pass. I can also help you with any work in other classes during lunch if you need it! I can also help you with any work in other classes during lunch if you need it!
Here’s to a great semester!! I will work very hard to make sure you get a good grade in my class and learn everything you need to learn! I will work very hard to make sure you get a good grade in my class and learn everything you need to learn! I ask that you pay attention, and give it your best shot. I ask that you pay attention, and give it your best shot. Don’t take advantage of me, and I will make sure you have a fun time learning in class. Don’t take advantage of me, and I will make sure you have a fun time learning in class.