S.T. FALCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES S.T. FALCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES company came into existence in response to production companies for which the highest quality is the most important thing. We would like to propose services in range of selection, control and repair of details and components, control works on work-stands.
S.T. FALCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES We offer services for control and inspection of component parts in the area of Your firms in Poland and in Europe. We do orders for suppliers, recipients and in Your firms’ clients with the possibility of having the regular representative (Resident).
S.T. FALCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES Our services involve: Visual selection Control on the production line Repair of the components Control in the usage of measurement technique Elimination of damages emerged during the transport Exchange of faulty parts Penetrant test Realization of services depending on clients’ need
S.T. FALCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES We are company with experienced employees who in years did their services as subcontractors from selection company in the territory of the Isuzu Motors Polska / currently ISPOL –member of the GM group. Our reliability and authenticity can be verified by calling to a person who is responsible for carrying out selection’s services- Mr. Robert Skonieczny from the Quality Control Department Isuzu Motors Polska / ISPOL. tel. number: +48 (32)
S.T. FALCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES Contact : Biuro Sebastian Gancarek Tel: +48 (32) Fax: +48 (32) Mobil: Mail: Customer Assistance: Artur Orszulik Mobil:
S.T. FALCON INDUSTRIAL SERVICES You count on quality! Rely on us!