Welcome to Music! (8/13) Have out on your desk: Pride Card & 3 Signed Forms. If you have your bucket & sticks, great! (Hold on to them for a minute or two) Copy your homework in your planner: Bring supplies by Friday (sticks & bucket); will check for a grade on Mon the 19 th Practice drum warm-up (PLAYING QUIZ on Mon 19) Review Vocabulary MavMark #2 (8/13) Copy & answer: 1. What are the parts of the stick? 2. What kind of grip do we use? 3. What angle do we hold the sticks when we play?
House Keeping… Take up 3 signed forms: Syllabus, Student Release, Night of the Arts Check for Supplies Write name on bucket & sticks Stack buckets Do NOT get your sticks taken up! Organize Binders Star Status, then Classroom Procedures Then 5 Dividers: MavMarks Notes Drumming/Rhythm Piano Guitar
MUSIC, THE BASICS VOCABULARY (This goes in your “Notes” Section) Mrs. Lewing General Music
Music, The Basics: Vocabulary… 1. Notation—music written down
2. The Parts of the Note The note “head” can be filled in, or hollow. It is usually connected to a “stem.” A “flag” can also be placed on top of the stem.
2. Parts of the Note (continued) Two notes can be connected to each other by a “beam.”
3. The Musical Alphabet Each note represents a letter name. There are 7 letters in the musical alphabet, letters A-G.
4. Staff & Clefs A) Music is written on a Staff. It is made up of 5 lines & 4 spaces. B) The Treble Clef is the staff for higher pitched instruments. C) The Bass Clef is the staff for lower pitched instruments.
5. Time Signature There are two numbers in a time signature. The Top # tells you how many beats are in a measure. The Bottom # tells you what kind of note gets the beat.
6. Measures Measures of music are numbered. They are divided by a Bar Line. A Double-bar Line shows you the end of the music.
7. Repeat A repeat sign means to play the music again
8. Tempo Tempo is the speed of the music It can be slow, medium, or fast
9. Dynamics Dynamics tell you how loud or soft the music is (Italian terms) Forte (f): Loud Mezzo forte (mf): Medium loud Mezzo piano (mp): Medium soft Piano (p): Soft
10. Types of Notes & Rests A) Whole Note, gets 4 beats B) Whole Rest, gets 4 beats of silence (Looks like a hole in the ground)
10. Types of Notes & Rests (continued) C) Half Notes (receive 2 beats) D) Half Rests (2 beats of silence); (looks like a hat)
10. Types of Notes & Rests (last one!) E) Quarter Notes, receives 1 beat F) Quarter Rests, receives 1 beat of silence (Looks like lightning)
Drumming! Warm-up the hands: Gorilla arms Paint the wall Shake them out Review: Parts of the stick Matched grip Rebound stroke Angle of the sticks Sticking: 8R, L, B, Alternating Rhythm Echo Warm-up: Section 1-5 (try all tempo), 6-10 (individuals), (volunteers for stickers) Name Game
Instrument questions… How many instruments can you name??? Whoever gets the most will get a star (or two!)