The Documentary Genre Unit: “Nothing but the Truth”
In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director. Alfred Hitchcock
The Problem of Defining ‘Documentary’ Film Many definitions for the term ‘documentary’ because it includes so many sub-genres: Task – in one sentence write what you believe would be an appropriate definition
Can ‘reality TV’ shows be classified as Documentaries?
Common Characteristics of the Documentary Genre Non- fiction Instead of filmmakers conceiving the film’s subject in their imaginations, they find the basis of their works in real life and real events. Non-narrative structure While a documentary may incorporate narrative elements, it generally uses other methods (such as rhetorical argument) for its primary structure Purpose Instead of providing simple entertainment, documentary seeks to address our world and to educate us about it.
Common Characteristics Subject Documentary subjects come from life, not from the imagination. The subjects chosen tend to possess some kind of cultural relevance, be it historical, social, or scientific. On-location Shooting Most documentary filmmakers shoot events where they actually occur. Real People A documentary film depicts real people, not actors portraying other people.
Documentary Sub-genres Fiction films are categorised usually according to genres eg. Action, Thriller etc. Try to list the various sub-genres of the documentary genre (use a concept web): Documentary Films Nature Docos
Major Doco Sub-Genres Documentary Films Nature/Environment Political Current Affairs Historical Sports/Hobbies Human Interest Social Biographical
History of Documentary Film Doco movement began with film itself in 1895 First films simply ‘documented’ everyday life eg. Train arriving at Station
Early Influential Documentary Filmmakers Russia: Dziga-Vertov England: Robert Flaherty John Grierson Germany: Leni Riefenstahl United States: Pare Lorentz
Dziga Vertov (Russia) Developed a radical approach to filmmaking – no actors, no scripts, no props He found the ‘story’ in shooting everyday life and in the editing process Kino-Pravda (film-truth) series (1922) ‘Man with a Movie Camera’ (1929)
The Staging of Reality in Nanook of the North In 1922 Robert Flaherty documented the life of an Eskimo called ‘Nanook’ and his family. Flaherty often ‘staged’ scenes asking Nanook and family to repeat their actions several times to cover the activity from several angles
Dramatisation in Nanook of the North The film focuses almost exclusively on a single individual: Nanook. This allows the development of a personality with which the audience can empathise. Flaherty creates the character of Nanook by the selection of shots showing Nanook at play and at work and with his family: he is seen hunting, fooling with the gramaphone and teaching his child to use a bow and arrow.
Misrepresentation of reality in Nanook of the North Throughout the film Flaherty consistently and deliberately misrepresents various aspects of Innuit life to make it conform to his ideal vision of a ‘noble savage’ confronting the power of nature. ideal vision Furthermore the film deliberately misleads by showing Nanook hunting only with spears and harpoons, as in the image to the right.
The visual manipulation is underpinned by explicit intertitles:
In reality the Innuit had been hunting with guns for generations since the Hudson Bay Company had been trading with the Inuit in the area since 1670
Leni Riefenstahl (Germany) Chief filmmaker to Adolf Hitler in 1930’s Created documentary films for Nazi regime (propaganda) ‘Triumph of the Will’ ‘Olympiad’
Triumph of the Will (1934) Documents the Nuremberg rallies Helped create aura of Hitler’s/Nazi’s power and charisma Techniques still used today in political propaganda films
John Grierson (England) Coined the term “Documentary” Believed that film could be used to raise awareness of social issues often hidden in society (eg. Lack of education for lower classes) Night Mail (1936) Tells the story of the postal train running from Scotland to England – the ordinary postal workers represented like ‘heroes’ Edited like an art film