March 17 高中进阶版 P1
Pre-reading P2P2 What do you want to buy when you travel abroad? Will you buy products made in China abroad? Why or why not? souvenirs food electronic products luxuries household appliances
While-reading P3P3 2. Why do Chinese people prefer to buy those products abroad instead of at home? 1. What items would Chinese people like to buy when traveling abroad? ① Purchasing them abroad is much cheaper. Answer the following questions. Electronics, appliances and all sorts of big-ticket items. ② Domestic products are not safe and reliable.
While-reading P4P4 4. What should domestic producers do to change this shopping trend? Because the quality of the export products is guaranteed, but for goods in China, their quality is not guaranteed. Answer the following questions. They should realize that they are competing with foreign quality and value, and adjust their standards and practices accordingly. 3. Why does the author buy Chinese-made products in Canada rather than buy them in China?
While-reading P5P5 3. Chinese people prefer to buy baby formula in Europe because that product is heavily taxed and very expensive in China. 1. Many Chinese people will buy masks when they travel to Indonesia. 2. Many Chinese tourists bought toilet seats in Japan during this Spring Festival. True or false 4. Most products that the author buys in Canada are made in China. 5. Buying products abroad is good for China’s long-term economic benefits.
Language study P6P6 1. An __________ doctor can often detect depression from people’s expression, posture and movement. 2. Our teacher took us on field trips to __________ plants and animals firsthand. 3. That distant star is __________ on a dark night during summer time. 4. The soul without imagination is what an ____________ would be without a telescope. Complete each sentence with the proper form of “observe.” obse rvan t obs erv e obse rvab le observ atory observation n. 注意,觉察 observation n. 注意,觉察 → observe v. 注意到,察觉到 → observer n. 观察者 → observable adj. 看得到的,察觉得到的 → observant adj. 善于观察的,观察力敏锐的 → observatory n. 瞭望台,观测台
Language study P7P7 1. Only by keeping down costs will America maintain its __________ advantage over other countries. 2. The drug-using athlete will be banned from international __________ for four years. 3. A team as good as ours should be able to mop the floor with any ____. 4. Mary and Jane __________ with each other for the first prize in the singing contest last year. Complete each sentence with the proper form of “compete.” compe titiv e compe titio n compe titor comp eted compete v. 竞争,对抗 compete v. 竞争,对抗 → competition n. 竞争 → competitive adj. 有竞争力的 → competitor n. 竞争者,对手 → competing adj. 互相对抗的
Language study P8P8 → accuracy n. 准确性,精确性 accurate adj. 精确的,准确的 → entertain v. 使快乐 → entertainment n. 娱乐,消遣 entertaining adj. 使人愉快的,有趣的 → analyse v. 分析 → analytic adj. 分析的,分解的 analyst n. 分析家 → motivation n. 动因,刺激 → motivated adj. 有积极性的 motivate v. 激发,激起 → beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的 benefit n. 益处,好处
After-reading P9P9 Are there any other reasons causing Chinese people to spend their money abroad? Questions for further Hints: people prefer foreign brands/people can show off with foreign brands/there are more colors or styles to select abroad/people can enjoy better service abroad …
After-reading P10 Questions for further What should domestic producers do if they want to attract more customers? Hints: improve the quality of their products/improve the quality of their service/develop more new products …